Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16th

Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16, 2023, at 10:20 am Pacific time where it will be until May 25, 2024, when it moves along into Gemini.
In its year-long transit through Taurus, Jupiter will help us to focus on energy on the abundance around us and tend to the projects and the work that helps us build an understanding of our place in the world. Jupiter uses its wisdom and optimism to foster growth and, eventually, help us to harvest something bountiful and energetic, that feels good for our bodies and for the land we live on and off of. Jupiter in Taurus may have us slow down and becomes more appreciative, but it is generative and fertile when appropriately nourished. This may be an exceptional and unprecedented moment for growth in the areas of our lives ruled by Taurus, and because it will be making a helpful whole sign aspect to Saturn for the duration of its transit through Taurus, Jupiter will help to bring bounty to all that we commit to genuinely and responsibly. Jupiter tended to bring gifts when it transits through a sign, sometimes those gifts go as quickly and easily as they came, but when working with Saturn, the gifts we get as a result of hard work may continue to bless us as time unfolds.
We may feel increased attention on the Taurus areas of our lives, and we might also see more opportunity, but this energy can also be a bit unstable, especially while copresent with the North Node. This is a time to enjoy the excess but also a time to be careful not to burn out, not to let this area of life become so big that it obscures other important things. Keep expectations in check, as Jupiter can inspire desire and growth in a potentially unsustainable way, and when that growth doesn't meet the expectations Jupiter can bring an equally expansive sense of disillusionment and disappointment.
Jupiter will make many aspects while it transits Taurus, here are some of the highlights:
May 17, 2023: Jupiter in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius (0°)
When these two planets engage each other, they can egg each other on, and it feels like the more you expect the more you can accomplish. But the ground is full of invisible minefields, Pluto can heighten power struggles, and uncover hidden feelings, truths, and dynamics, that can be unsettling and disruptive. While it may feel easier to lean in the extravagant and dramatic direction, playing it a little more safely may benefit you in the long run with a transit like this. It is important to keep egos in check and watch out for people who lust after power and seem willing to deceive people to get what they want. During this time, stay open, because transformative new info can come to light during this transit, and rigidity, extremism, and narrowmindedness may be prevalent, but also will likely be challenged. This is not the time to proselytize and try to push your beliefs onto others, or the time to push yourself or others too hard, more generally speaking. This transit can encourage indulgence and in our hunger to get at everything, we can miss crucial details.
This transit will engage Jupiter in a t-square with Pluto and Mars (which is about to cross into Leo). This t-square energy will be present until Mars breaks free around June 5, 2023.
This transit is in effect until around June 10, 2023, when Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn.
June 1, 2023: Jupiter in Taurus conjoins the north node in Taurus (3°)
While Jupiter is separating from its long-term square with Pluto it will conjoin the North Node, on its way out of Taurus and into Aries. Jupiter and the North Node are the two astrological forces most concerned with growth and increased attention and energy. When these two points come together, we will feel an insatiable pull toward more; more to explore, more to learn, and more to create and experience in our lives. In Taurus, this can lead to an increased desire for security, grounding, and luxury. This can be an astounding time to develop something, and rewarding opportunities and connections can come from the increased activity and focus on the area of life (and your chart) ruled by Taurus. We will need to watch out for balance, this transit can have us pour all of our attention and energy into one place leaving the other areas of our lives unattended. We need to watch out for the effects of unchecked optimism, as we make long-term plans, these two can build each other up so quickly, without always checking to make sure the foundation is secure, but in Taurus, with its focus on security and a helpful engagement from Saturn, this is a little less of a concern.
The North Node has spent the last year and a half in Taurus and Jupiter has just joined the party, in some ways the North Node is passing the baton of excess on to Jupiter, and when they begin to separate and the North Node eventually moves on and into Aries, Jupiter will have the chance to steady out the growth in this area of our lives and exchange some of the intense focus with more generative expansion. We may start to feel the fruits of all of the work we have been putting into the Taurus areas of our lives, as this transit separates.
This transit is in effect until around June 18, 2023.
June 19, 2023: Jupiter in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces (7°)
When Jupiter and Saturn work together we have the optimism and the structure that we need to grow something with intention, diligence, and an eye on its sustainability. Saturn helps to keep Jupiter’s expansion in check, and Jupiter stretches Saturn to embrace opportunities and create a little space from criticism. Our judgment and practical moves benefit from this partnership.
This sextile helps us ground and lock down some of the big ideas that have been spinning since Jupiter moved into Taurus. We can materialize these big-picture, lofty goals with proper boundaries, schedules, and budgeting. This is a constructive time, particularly for people with day charts, and a time to find some balance between Jupiter's need to expand and Saturn's need to restrict. By engaging with our dreams and our responsibilities we can grow something meaningful and long-lasting related to the Taurus and Pisces area of our charts.
Exploration and planning can help to encourage and inspire one another when we keep our dreams practical and manageable. This transit may bring opportunities from people you trust, info and help from reliable sources, and potentially, relationships with teachers and mentors.
We will feel the effects of this transit until around July 11, 2023.
April 20, 2024: Jupiter in Taurus conjoins Uranus in Taurus (21°)
When Jupiter and Uranus come together they bring a lot of the unexpected, with a taste of optimism. This energy can be exciting and invigorating, we may feel a rapid increase in innovation and the development of original ideas. This is a time for progress and change, and we can't ignore what isn't working anymore. Under this transit, we will feel refreshed energy and a push toward changes that bring us more significant levels of freedom. We may be feeling a pull toward new activities, things that move around our routines, and opportunities to let ourselves be new. Uranus and Jupiter work together to shake things up, even things we thought could never change, with an eye on freedom and collective upheaval. This May be a time when it’s hard to commit to things, and we may be looking to bypass responsibility or accountability, as this transit can lead to some reckless energy. However, if we are open to new energies, new people, and new ideas, we may get some new and exciting opportunities if we are willing to step outside of the prescribed confines of society, our industry, or the details of our life.
This can bring bravery, optimism, and enthusiasm, about fighting against restrictions and unnecessary boundaries, and institutions that no longer serve the collective. Forming a sextile to Saturn in Pisces adds a drive toward compassion and fuels us to take care of our communities.
We will feel this transit in effect until around May 17, 2024
May 23, 2024: Jupiter in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces (29°)
As we close out Jupiter’s time in Taurus, it will sextile Neptune in Pisces, bringing fresh inspiration, dreaminess, spirituality, and an expansion of the imagination. Fresh off of Jupiter’s 2024 cazimi, and with Venus less than a degree away this can be a particularly creative time or a time to share something you've been inspired by or working on lately. Neptune can confuse and fog up our vision but in this instance, the gift is in the escape or the dreaminess. This transit might increase our sense of collective compassion and might make us feel more connected to others and more optimistic about helping people, connecting with people, and creating something big-picture that's meaningful for us and others. We may take up a new cause or devote ourselves to our artistic or spiritual work. We need to be careful about getting swept up in illusions or optimism and lean into the work we've done in the Taurus area of our lives so far for grounding. With the right support, this can be an exceptional time to let inspiration grow, to share something creative with others, or to unveil the work you've been doing in the Taurus area of your life for the last year.
We will feel this energy loosen when Jupiter moves into Gemini on May 25, 2024, but we will continue to feel the transit until around June 12, 2024.