Mercury moves into Leo on July 10th

Mercury moves into Leo on July 10th at 9:11 pm PT, it will remain in Leo until the afternoon of July 28th, when it will move into Virgo.
In Leo, Mercury is confident, bold, at times loud, creative, and decisive. This transit may have us thinking and communicating in more expressive, playful, and charismatic ways but we may also find that we focus on self-promotion, and our communications can lean in a prideful or dramatic direction. This time around Mercury finds itself wandering into some fixed sign drama, forming generative, but potentially confusing and disruptive squares to jupiter and Uranus Taurus, then getting entangled in Venus’ retrograde shortly after its station, mercury may help to shed some light on what's going on with these other planets, but Mercury's message may be a little disjointed, a little convoluted and a little challenging to take in for the next few weeks.
July 17: Mercury in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus (11°)
This transit may overwhelm us with details or make the meaning feel hard to pin down, we may feel challenged to fit all of the smaller pieces together into a big picture, and it might feel difficult to put things together in a way that makes logical or linear sense. This clash between the whole and the parts that make it up, can have us feeling unsure of how to work things out, but this astrology isn’t asking questions to bully, it's asking questions to help us formulate the answers.
July 23: Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus (22°)
When Mercury and Uranus come up against each other, we may find ourselves met with challenging and disturbing or surprising messages, the conversation may be a little nerve-inducing, and we may not know what to expect from the information we see and hear. Working through some of the challenges or changes that come up this week can help us to figure out some of the more innovative and radical pieces of what we're working on at the moment. But if we feel caught up or caught off guard, it's best to breathe through it and remember that flowing with change is much easier than resisting it.
July 27: Mercury in Leo conjoins Venus in Leo (28°)
When Venus and Mercury meet up, we usually have a special way of communicating smoothly, artfully, and effectively, but Venus has spent the last week slowing down and turning around, and this leaves Venus in a less-than-ideal position to add the usual sweetness it typically brings. This is a great time for journaling, and for tapping into the art of communication, we might find that we get insights into the themes of this Venus retrograde with Mercury's help, and we may have important conversations, and begin the process of communicating something that will continue to work on during this retrograde.