the north node moves into Aries on July 17th

the north node moves into Aries on July 17th at 12:59 pm PT and the south node moves into Libra, the nodes will remain in these signs until the afternoon of January 11, 2025.
When the nodes of the moon shift signs, a new axis in the zodiac is lit up, the north node brings intense increase, focus, and insatiability to the sign it transits while the south node brings release, drain, and decrease to balance that out. We may begin to feel this shift in energy right away, especially because they immediately move into a square with Pluto, but the changes will come into form as we move into the first eclipse season following the nodal shift, in the fall (you can find a timeline of the eclipses below).
In Aries, the north node will increase our focus on individual expression, independence, and initiating new projects, while the south node in Libra will encourage a release of the things that bind us to other people’s perceptions of us, codependence, and the need to please others at the expense of our own authenticity. This shift will bring an intensity to cardinal seasons (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) for the next year and a half as the nodes throw the balance off and magnify the energies present in cardinal signs.
If you have your natal nodes in Aries and Libra then you will either be having your nodal return or your reverse nodal return.
Nodal returns place a lot of emphasis and energy on the sign and house of your natal / the transiting north node (because it’s the same sign and house). You may feel like you are being egged on by the universe and encouraged to reach out for more. You may feel a sense of voraciousness in an area of life that you're used to feeling compelled by, but not usually to this degree.
Reverse nodal returns can feel confusing and like they're full of blockages because where you are used to feeling energy, you no longer do, and you may feel life pulling your attention toward a part of you that you don't typically like to, or feel comfortable focusing on.
If you have your natal nodes in Cancer or Capricorn then you are going through a period of nodal squares.
Nodal squares can be challenging, but they can help you to get clearer about what you want to focus on and how you want to put your natal nodes to use in your life. These squares can feel discouraging at times and can help you get at what you do want, by showing you what you don't want. But by confronting what doesn’t work, and by meeting the challenges associated with that, you will get closer to what does work.
Hard nodal aspects can make life feel really extreme and out of whack. You may need to find new ways to balance yourself and center yourself during transits that hit your specific nodal degrees.
Over the next year and a half the node will interact with the sun, the moon, and all of the faster-moving planets more than once, but here are the bigger picture, outer planet transits to the north and south node while they’re in Aries and Libra.
July 17, 2023 - August 5, 2023: Pluto in Capricorn squares the north node in Aries (and the south node in Libra) (28-29°)
This transit will be exact on 3 dates: July 22, July 25, and July 28.
Pluto will be bending the nodes for the first 3 weeks of this nodal transit, squaring both of the nodes, and adding a level of intensity to this change. When Pluto the planet of power, control, transformation, and deep healing, comes into a challenging alignment with the nodes, we might feel problems surrounding those Pluto topics, a heightened sense of those themes in our lives, or we might feel like the universe has us in a gridlock; like we cannot move forward, and can’t quite access the healing we need. We might see more public uses (misuses) of power, more challenging relationship dynamics involving manipulation, and more people longing for healing during this time.
February 19, 2024: the north node in Aries conjoins (and the south node in Libra opposes) Chiron in Aries (16°)
When the north node conjoins Chiron, we might feel a pain point being triggered, specifically surrounding identity, individuality, and independence, although this transit also has the potential to help us to turn that pain into something we can use to heal ourselves, and help others to heal themselves as well.
July 9, 2024: the north node in Aries sextiles (and the south node in Libra trines) Jupiter in Gemini (10°)
The north node and Jupiter are, arguably, the 2 biggest astrological indicators of increase, emphasis, and expansion. When they help each other out, they can egg each other on, and build each other up. The north node is helping Jupiter to create an even bigger picture, communicate more (in Gemini), and expand on its exploration and accumulation of knowledge and wisdom. This could be a really exuberant and enthusiastic transit.
December 30, 2024: the north node in Aries sextiles (and the south node in Libra trines) Pluto in Aquarius (1°)
After a year and a half the nodes are leaving Aries and Libra in the same way they entered the signs, aspecting Pluto, although this time the aspects are much more constructive. With the north node sextiling Pluto, we may find the healing that we are looking for this time around. This kind of transit can help us to dig deep, both inside of ourselves, and in terms of digging through old things, old information, and old relationship dynamics. If there is something we are wanting to change, this is a great transit to urge us toward transformation and to help us uncover new ways of being.
Eclipses timeline:
The eclipses along the Aries and Libra axis, and the eclipses taking place while the nodes are in Aries and Libra.
April 19, 2023: Hybrid solar eclipse in Aries (29°) at 9:12 pm—Out of sign
July 17, 2023: the north node moves into Aries and the south node moves into Libra (29°) at 12:59 pm
October 14, 2023: Annular solar eclipse in Libra (21°) at 1:55 pm
October 26, 2023: Partial lunar eclipse in Taurus (5°) at 1:24 pm—Out of sign
March 25, 2024: Penumbral lunar eclipse in Libra (5°) at 12 am
April 8, 2024: Total solar eclipse in Aries (19°) at 11:20 am
September 17, 2024: Partial lunar in Pisces (25°) 7:34 pm—Out of sign
October 2, 2024: Annular solar in Libra (10°) 11:49 am
January 11, 2025: the north node moves into Pisces and the south node moves into Virgo (29°) at 3:02 pm
March 25, 2025: Partial solar in Aries (9°) at 3:57 am—Out of sign