the sun moves into Gemini on May 21st

the sun moves into Gemini on May 21st at 12:09 am Pacific time, where it will remain until the morning of June 21st.
In Gemini, the sun is friendly, witty, and excited to talk about its diverse interests and curiosities. Gemini season may have us feeling more social, more talkative, and maybe even a little more excitable. Planets moving through Gemini, like the sun and mercury, will get a surge of confidence and energy from Mars and eventually Venus in Leo, but this Gemini season also introduces an interesting dynamic, as it begins our first squares to Saturn in Pisces. Squares are challenging aspects that often force us to confront changes we need to make, and as the sun and Mercury enter a tense dynamic with the planet of rules and responsibilities, we may feel a heightened sense of importance when it comes to the work we need to do for ourselves to lay a strong foundation for our future selves. Gemini season will also feature squares to Neptune, this energy is one we are more accustomed to, but while Saturn has us longing for structure and grounding, Neptune, confuses and obscures the grounding and tempts us to escape what challenges us rather than confront it—this energy may create a push and pull dynamic that’s hard to avoid in Gemini season.
Gemini season kicks off with a bang, on the heels of Mars and Jupiter stumbling into a fixed t-square with Pluto in their new signs, the sun in Gemini forms a trine to Pluto helping to ease out some of the tension we may have been feeling over the last week. When Pluto is involved, power dynamics, a desire for control, and secrets can get the better of us, but with the sun trine to the planet of transformation and all that comes up from the underworld, we may see a more helpful and constructive side to Pluto and what it uncovers from the depths. We may see an opportunity to transform and find some support between the Gemini and Aquarius areas of our charts, and our lives.
As the sun begins to separate from its trine to Pluto it forms a sextile with Mars in Leo. This kind of transit can activate and energize us. We may feel a surge of creativity, passion, or empowerment, on the first day of Gemini season; but the next day Mars moves into a square to Jupiter which can turn that passion, creativity, and empowerment into impulsive behavior, overextending yourself, and potential arrogance.
On May 26th, Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus, when these two come together, unexpected joys, surprising encounters, and exciting new opportunities can follow. This is a time to think outside of the box and embrace the treats that the unknown can bring. Later that weekend, the sun in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces, asking us to consider our maturity and the commitments we make. What we want at this moment may feel at odds with the work we need to be doing, this can bring frustration, challenges, and tension, as we sort out our priorities.
On June 1st, Jupiter conjoins the north node in Taurus, and in some ways, we’ve been building to this energy since Jupiter joined the Taurus party a couple of weeks ago. Jupiter and the north node both represent points of increase, expansion, and heightened importance. When they come together they bring our attention to something big that we’re working on in the Taurus areas of our lives. This transit is fertilizer for what we’re working on at the movement.
The next day, Venus forms a trine to Neptune, giving us a creative or spiritual boost that helps us to get lost in the magic of life, and embrace the romance and beauty around us. This can be an inspiring and beautiful transit, and in the context of this week, we are reaching toward something that makes our lives and our dreams bigger. On June 3rd we have the full moon in Sagittarius, continuing this trend of exploration, and growth. We are being asked to find the adventures in our lives, to celebrate what we’re exploring with enthusiasm, and to keep our eyes on the vastness ahead.
The following day, Mercury and Uranus conjoin in Taurus, potentially bringing us surprising news, unexpected conversations, and maybe even some innovative insights. Later on the 4th, Venus will move into Leo, where it will remain until October 8th. In Leo Venus is generous, loyal, and loves to be appreciated and noticed, we may feel more charming, and bold during this time. This ingress comes with a small caveat because while Venus in Leo can bring joyful and creative energy, this year, Venus will station retrograde in Leo and spend much of the summer putting a magnifying glass on this area of our lives. This retrograde will invite us to review and reassess everything from our approaches to art and beauty to relationships and the ways we connect with others, to our sense of values and our finances, and even our self-esteem and self-perception. So once Venus moves into Leo we will start to see some of the themes that its retrograde will eventually uncover. Venus’s first act in Leo is an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius, which might help us to uproot some of the sore spots, power plays, and challenges in our relationships, and in Venus-ruled topics more generally. Pluto will add even more weight to this ingress.
On the 9th, Mercury and Neptune come together in a supportive way, helping us to communicate more compassionately, more intuitively, and more artfully. These two can have pretty different objectives, but when they work together they help us to find generative, spiritual, and creative space to work together. The following day, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn, ending our brief preview of Pluto in Aquarius, and returning to wrap up its work in the Capricorn areas of our lives. This begins the final piece of Pluto’s transit through Capricorn and over the next 9 months or so, Pluto will tie up the loose ends it’s been uncovering since 2008.
June 11th is a pretty active day, with mercury in Taurus trine to Pluto, freshly back in Capricorn, mercury gives Pluto the chance to share a constructive message on its way out of Taurus. When Mercury and Pluto work together we can become privy to new or uncovered information, transformative conversations, and interesting information about the power dynamics around us. Later that day Mercury moves into Gemini, its diurnal home sign, where it is ready to share information, boost our curiosity, and add versatility to our conversations and what we want to talk about. Also on the 11th, Venus squares Jupiter, and while any aspect between these can bring good times, feelings of connection, and opportunities for growth, a square can also add an edge of tension, the potential for overindulgence, and an inflated sense of confidence.
June 15th brings us Mercury's square to Saturn, and this transit can bring our attention to the ways that our current focus, and our handling and communication of important details at the moment conflict with our long-term goals, and a foundation that we’re starting to build out more. This transit can highlight conflicts, restrictions, and blockages, particularly in the form of difficult conversations. However a few days later, as mercury separates from its square to Saturn it moves into a sextile to Venus which will help us find confidence, creativity, and joy in the same area we may have just had conflict in. This transit may smooth out some of the feelings, but with Saturn stationing retrograde later in the day on the 17th, the gravity of our responsibilities is still a focus that’s with us.
Finally, on the 17th we will have the new moon in Gemini, this lunation is ruled by mercury all tangled up between Venus and Saturn, and because of this the intentions we set with this new moon have the support that they need to flourish, if we apply ourselves, hold ourselves accountable, and do the work to follow through.
The following day, the sun squares Neptune, making it difficult for us to tap into our ambition, because our attention is caught in the fog. This is not a moment of clarity or a time to make decisions, friction between these two planets leads to confusion, difficulties with boundaries, and the potential to get lost in fantasies of escape. The day after that, however, Jupiter in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces, seesawing us back into more supportive and stable energy. Jupiter and Saturn work together to create the foundations we need for our big-picture plans. Jupiter brings the expansion and Saturn refines until we have something ambitious and practical, fulfilling and lasting.
As we close out Gemini season, the asteroid Ceres moves into Libra, while Ceres was in Virgo, taking care looked like meeting practical needs and engaging with the natural world, in Libra, Ceres draws our attention to the balance in our partnerships and the ways that acting for others helps us care for ourselves. This transit is about harmony and interdependence.
Welcome to Gemini season!
May 21st (12:09a) The Sun enters Gemini (0°)
May 21st (6:58a) The sun in Gemini trines Pluto in Aquarius (0°)
May 21st (10:56p) The sun in Gemini sextiles Mars in Leo (0°)
May 22nd (10:12p) Mars in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus (1°)
May 26th (12:36a) Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus (19°)
May 27th (8:22a) First Quarter Moon in Virgo (6°)
May 28th (3:45a) The sun in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces (6°)
June 1st (5:43p) Jupiter in Taurus conjoins the north node in Taurus (3°)
June 2nd (3:42p) Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces (27°)
June 3rd (8:42p) Full Moon in Sagittarius (13°)
June 4th (12:49p) Mercury in TaurusUranus conjoins uranTaurusTaurus (20°)
June 5th (6:46a) Venus enters Leo (0°)
June 5th (9:04a) Venus in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius (0°)
June 9th (2:14p) Mercury in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces (27°)
June 10th (12:31p) Last Quarter Moon in Pisces (19°)
June 11th (2:35a) Pluto Retrograde enters Capricorn (29°)
June 11th (3:25a) Mercury in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn (29°)
June 11th (3:26a) Mercury enters Gemini (0°)
June 11th (8:39a) Venus in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus (5°)
June 15th (9:09a) Mercury in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces (7°)
June 17th (8:29a) Mercury in Gemini sextiles Venus in Leo (10°)
June 17th (10:27a) Saturn stations Retrograde in Pisces (7°)
June 17th (9:37p) New Moon in Gemini (26°)
June 18th (8:53p) The sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces (27°)
June 19th (8:52a) Jupiter in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces (7°)
June 21st (4:22a) Ceres enters Libra (0°)
June 21st (7:58a) the Sun enters Cancer (0°)