the sun moves into Pisces on February 18th

…and it is almost immediately met by the moon—the new moon in Pisces brings us a fresh start and in an out-of-sign conjunction with Saturn, we can make realistic and grounded steps toward our big picture (less concrete) intentions. While the moon is refreshing itself, Venus makes a quick sextile to Pluto, giving us a helping hand when it comes to digging deep into our relationship dynamics to see if they're in alignment with us. Then Venus moves from its place of exaltation, Pisces, to join Jupiter and Chiron in Aries, where connections are bold, powerful, and energized. February rounds out with a couple of mercury transits that make our communication more innovative and powerful, but also a little bit more erratic and unpredictable.
March kicks off with a Venus and Jupiter conjunction in Aries, one of the luckiest and most lovely aspects, this brings bold, joyful, abundance to the Aries parts of our charts. Chiron is nearby and both benefics will conjoin Chiron before Pisces season comes to a close, so this auspicious moment is healing in a way that we have been needing and may even involve a wound so deep that it has the potential to be a source of guidance for others. Meanwhile, Mercury meets up with Saturn in the final degree of Aquarius, as they both prepare to move into Pisces (Mercury later that day and Saturn early the following week). Mercury and Saturn urge us to concretize something in our lives by committing to the details and finding grounded ways to move forward, even if those ways are small and incremental.
The full moon in Virgo arrives drawing our attention to the details and the processes that keep us going, although in a trine to Uranus and creating a loose t-square with Mars, this full moon has a chaotic edge to it. The Virgo full moon always serves as a grounding counterbalance in the watery abyss of Pisces season and with Saturn moving into Pisces right on the heels of this full moon, that is even more true this year. Saturn will spend the next 3 years transiting Pisces, helping us to work on our boundaries, discipline, and foundations in the Pisces parts of our charts. Helping hands come from unlikely places on March 11th when Venus and Mars, and Mercury and Uranus join forces to help us find innovation in our communication, and excitement in our connections.
Then we enter the stickiest part of Pisces season where the Sun, Mercury, and Neptune all meet up in Pisces and square Mars. The details are foggy, egos are present, and communication is tense but deeply unclear. This setup is tricky and it may feel impossible to move forward in a discernible way or in a way that makes sense to you. This moment calls for patience, the more of it that you can extend to yourself and others, the more easel you will find for yourself during these challenging transits. While the mutable planets are caught up in that square, Venus in Aries makes its own square to Pluto, showing us a harsh reality in our relationships, then moves into its home sign of Taurus and makes a sextile to Saturn, helping us to find a sense of commitment to our values and in our relationships—fresh off the square from Pluto, we may feel picky and focus on the relationships that empower us, or we may be rebuilding the trust in the wake of a plutonic investigation.
Pisces season wraps up as the Sun and Mercury work themselves out of that entanglement with Mars and Neptune. They both go on to form sextiles to Pluto, which help us parse through and make sense of what came up for us over the last week and then they move into Aries.
Pisces season is full of twists, turns, and big shifts; and the energy keeps a quick pace as we move into Aries season. Changes like these encourage us to release our attachments to the things that we cannot control, while also asking us to keep our focus on the things we value and the things that bring meaning to our lives.
Welcome to Pisces season!
February 18th (2:34p) the Sun enters Pisces (0°)
February 19th (9:04a) Venus in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn (29°)
February 19th (11:06p) New Moon in Pisces (1°)
February 19th (11:55p) Venus enters Aries (0°)
February 21st (2:22p) Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus (15°)
February 22nd (12:13p) Mercury in Aquarius trines Mars in Gemini (16°)
February 27th (12:05a) First Quarter Moon in Gemini (8°)
March 1st (9:35p) Venus in Aries conjoins Jupiter in Aries (12°)
March 2nd (6:34a) Mercury in Aquarius conjoins Saturn in Aquarius (29°)
March 2nd (2:52p) Mercury enters Pisces (0°)
March 3rd (9:43a) Venus in Aries conjoins Chiron in Aries
March 6th (5:41a) the Sun in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus (15°)
March 7th (4:40a) Full Moon in Virgo (16°)
March 7th (5:35a) Saturn enters Pisces (0°)
March 11th (7:04a) Venus in Aries sextiles Mars in Gemini (23°)
March 11th (8:16a) Juno enters Taurus (0°)
March 11th (1:04p) Mercury in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus (15°)
March 11th (11:53p) Jupiter in Aries conjoins Chiron in Aries (14°)
March 14th (7:08p) Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius (24°)
March 14th (4:38p) Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces (25°)
March 15th (4:38p) The sun in Pisces conjoins Neptune in Pisces (25°)
March 16th (10:12a) Mercury in Pisces conjoins Neptune in Pisces (25°)
March 16th (11:09a) The sun in Pisces squares Mars in Gemini (25°)
March 16th (12:58p) Venus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn (29°)
March 16th (3:34p) Venus enters Taurus (0°)
March 16th (9:48p) Mercury in Pisces squares Mars in Gemini (26°)
March 17th (3:25p) Venus in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces (1°)
March 17th (3:44a) the Sun in Pisces conjoins Mercury in Pisces (26°)
March 18th (8:23p) Mercury in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn (29°)
March 18th (9:24p) Mercury enters Aries (0°)
March 20th (1:12p) The sun in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn (29°)
March 20th (2:24p) the Sun enters Aries (0°)