the sun moves into Taurus on April 20th

…and fresh off the rush of our first eclipse of the year, the sun almost immediately finds itself entangled in a tense dynamic with Pluto. This square infuses the start of Taurus season with intensity and depth, surfacing a conflict between our individualized security, and the larger power dynamic at play in our communities.
Mercury stations retrograde the following day, inviting us to slow down and review our communication, financial planning, and the ways we move through the world in search of stability. This is a great time to reflect but if you find yourself spinning, try to ground in the body and focus on self-care. A couple of days later, Mercury's sextile to Mars becomes exact, giving us the energy we need to sort through things in a more material way, and maybe helping us navigate any early retrograde miscommunications.
The last week of April will bring two sextiles, one between the Sun and Saturn, helping us to commit to our work and put attention toward what we wish to grow with determination and consistency; and the other between Mars and Uranus, egging us on, bringing surprises and unexpected activity—although in Cancer and Taurus, the planets are a little more subdued and may have us focus on the people and experiences that make us feel good.
May kicks off with Pluto pulling focus again to station retrograde in Aquarius on the 1st, intensifying the themes of transformation, investigation, and power, especially in technological and communal ways. Later that day, mercury and the sun come together in a cazimi, bringing clarity to our thoughts and the themes of the ongoing retrograde.
Juno's entry into Gemini on May 1st and Pallas' entry into Leo on May 2nd draw a curious and creative energy out of us, encouraging more expressive and thoughtful approaches to problem-solving.
On the 4th, Venus moves from a tricky and confusing square to Neptune in which escapism presents us with obstacles to genuine connection, right into a sextile with Jupiter which brings a hopeful and expansive quality to our relationships and values.
The weekend brings us the second half of our Mars-ruled, spring eclipses, with a south node Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. This full moon on May 5th may bring a transformative release, and with the Sun sandwiched between Vesta and Uranus, devotion and innovation are putting pressure on us as we transform.
The following day, ceres stations direct in Virgo inviting us to focus on being good stewards of our bodies and our environments as we consider our material relationship with nurturing energy. Keeping up with this theme, on the 7th Venus enters Cancer helping us to prioritize the role of care in our relationships. In cancer, Venus can be protective, compassionate, and more interested in giving energy to the people we consider family.
On May 9th, the Uranus cazimi brings us clarity and insight into our need to embrace change and find greater freedom, even in the search for safety and security.
The following week on the 12th mercury sextiles Saturn in Pisces then Venus in cancer, bringing a microphone into the conversation that Saturn and Venus are having, a trine that becomes exact later this same day. Mercury adds a communicative lightness to a day focused on the beauty and vulnerability that can come from committing to a loving and compassionate structure in our relationships and creative practices.
On the 14th mercury stations retrograde, and our thinking, communications, and decision-making get some momentum, as we pull out of the review and begin moving forward again with the details of our practical needs.
Then on the 16th Mars trine, Neptune gives our spiritual and creative pursuits some energy, so we may feel inspired and ready to take action. Later that morning Jupiter moves from Aries into Taurus bringing its infectious optimism, expansion, and philosophical nature to the space where we meet our material world.
This day might bring a sense of abundance but the next day Jupiter squares Pluto and when these two planets clash, Jupiter expands what Pluto uncovers and the obsession grows, power dynamics feel all-encompassing, and the traumas we pushed down suddenly feel huge. Sitting with it is the only option, as Jupiter fills our view with what Pluto brings up from the depths.
In the early hours of the morning on the 18th the sun sextile to Neptune gives us a little boost of inspiration, not necessarily focused or directed but dreamy, spiritual, and helpful for things coming together serendipitously. Then just before the day ends, Mercury’s sextile to Saturn has us revisiting the energy of May 12th when Mercury formed this aspect as a part of its retrograde. Our thoughts and words hold more weight, and this aspect can help us organize and plan for the future realistically and effectively.
On the 19th, the exalted new moon in Taurus helps us set bold and big new intentions. The sun and moon will be copresent with Uranus, Vesta, Mercury, the north node, and Jupiter—this strong emphasis on Taurus energy will assist us in foreign practical yet creative paths toward what we want and need.
On the last day of Taurus season, Mars moves into Leo. In Leo, Mars is bold, prideful, strong-willed, and determined to be seen, but here it immediately opposes Pluto in Aquarius, and our individualized expression and actions are at odds with the flow of power, indicating conflict around issues of authority and control.
Welcome to Taurus season!
April 20th (1:13a) The Sun enters Taurus (0°)
April 20th (9:26a) The sun in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius (0°)
April 21st (1:35a) Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus (15°)
April 23rd (8:18p) Mercury in Taurus sextiles Mars in Cancer (6°)
April 25th (3:47a) The sun in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces (4°)
April 27th (2:20p) First Quarter Moon in Leo (7°)
April 29th (1:04p) Mars in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus (18°)
May 1st (10:08a) Pluto stations Retrograde in Aquarius (0°)
May 1st (4:27p) The sun in Taurus conjoins Mercury in Taurus (11°)
May 1st (9:50p) Juno enters Gemini (0°)
May 2nd (9:56a) Pallas enters Leo (0°)
May 4th (10:39a) Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces (26°)
May 4th (9:02p) Venus in Gemini sextiles Jupiter in Aries (27°)
May 5th (10:34a) Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (14°)
May 6th (12:27p) Ceres stations Direct in Virgo (23°)
May 7th (7:24a) Venus enters Cancer (0°)
May 9th (12:55p) The sun in Taurus conjoins Uranus in Taurus (18°)
May 12th (1:41a) Mercury in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces (6°)
May 12th (7:28a) Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius (21°)
May 12th (7:43p) Mercury in Taurus sextiles Venus in Cancer (6°)
May 12th (11:56p) Venus in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces (6°)
May 14th (8:17p) Mercury stations Direct in Taurus (5°)
May 15th (6:44a) Mars in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces (27°)
May 16th (10:20a) Jupiter enters Taurus (0°)
May 17th (6:10p) Jupiter in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius (0°)
May 18th (1:59a) The sun in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces (27°)
May 18th (11:39p) Mercury in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces (6°)
May 19th (8:53a) New Moon in Taurus (28°)
May 20th (8:31a) Mars enters Leo (0°)
May 20th (8:11p) Mars in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius (0°)
May 21st (12:09a) The Sun enters Gemini (0°)