The sun moves into Taurus on April 19, 2024

Welcome to Taurus season!
The sun moves into the grounded and security-oriented sign of fixed earth on April 19th at 6:59 am and Taurus season ends on May 20th at 5:59 am when the sun moves into Gemini.
Taurus season is home to one of the biggest transits of the year, a conjunction between Uranus and Jupiter on the second day of Taurus season. This transit is concerned with innovation, rapid or critical growth, unexpected changes, abundance, and freedom; and it sets the tone for the month ahead, as transits all throughout Taurus season reference it, reiterate its energy, and give it time to play out. This energy might be surprising in a good way, unexpected in a neutral way, or even challenging, depending on how it lands in your chart (although the energy of the transit itself is positive, growth-oriented, and experimental).
Taurus season also brings us the best opportunity we’ve had so far to get information about Pluto’s transit through Aquarius, as planets that move into Taurus will immediately square Pluto in the fixed air sign. These squares from the sun, Mercury, and Venus will show us what Pluto looks like when it’s challenged, all while Pluto is stationing retrograde and pulling focus to its planetary themes. This Taurus season may show us the edge to Pluto in Aquarius, and how it handles tension.
Mercury stations direct in the early part of Taurus season and spends most of the month going back over old territory, closing out the retrograde cycle, tying up loose ends, and getting us to a point where we’ve done all of the reviews we can do and we’re ready to move forward into the unknown again. This may prolong some of the energy you’ve been feeling so far in Aries season, but might also bring some closure and some relief as it brings those narratives, conversations, and thought patterns to an end.
By May, Venus and Mars are both in their home signs, and feel empowered and resourced, ready to accomplish their planetary aims, and ready to be put to work for you! Both benefics will be in Taurus from the beginning of May until Jupiter moves into Gemini in the first few days of Gemini season. This means that for most of May, the Taurus part of your chart is extra resourced, boosted, and maybe even a little lucky. If there’s something you want to do in this area of your life, this is the time to do it, start it, set it in motion, or at least entertain it and fantasize about it. This moment can be electric in a grounded and fruitful way. What we choose to grow in this moment has abundant potential!
Full moon in Scorpio (4°) on April 23rd at 4:48 pm
While Taurus season at large closes the door on eclipse season because the sun is no longer sharing a zodiac sign with one of the nodes, the full moon in Scorpio gives the door a final lock. The full moon in Scorpio looks a little prickly, with the moon in its fall, the luminaries forming a t-square to Pluto in Aquarius, and with Mars, the ruler of this lunation applying to a conjunction with Neptune, there may be an air of delusion, confusion, or deception.
New moon in Taurus (18°) on May 7th at 8:21 pm
The new moon in Taurus looks like a beautiful time to ground yourself in something you love, to prioritize feeling safe and cared for, and to bring something new and exciting to fruition. With the moon in its sign of exaltation, the luminaries applying to a conjunction to Uranus and Jupiter, and Venus, the ruler of this lunation in its home sign, what we give to ourselves in this moment, how we nurture our connections and grow our desires can have a lasting, unexpected, and fruitful impact on us.
Taurus season breakdown:
Taurus season begins, bringing along the end to eclipse season and the chaos of Aries season, but emerging with a bit of its own chaotic agenda as Mars sextiles Jupiter and Uranus (as they meet up in Taurus) motivating and energizing one of the most notable transits of 2024. The following day Uranus and Jupiter conjoin, bringing an invigorating and innovative shift or change in perspective to our values, what we see as stable, and how we ground ourselves in our worlds. As Jupiter winds down its time in Taurus (it will move into Gemini a few days into Gemini season) we get a few exciting and potentially abundant moments to double down on what are conceiving and bringing to fruition in the Taurus parts of our charts, this is one of those opportunities. Adding an edge to the end of this week, on the 21st, the sun squares Pluto in Aquarius, showing us the underlying tensions, power dynamics, and survival mechanisms engaged between our own sense of security, and the needs of the collective. This is one of the first chances (but not the last this Taurus season) when we will get some information about what Pluto’s transit through Aquarius may involve, the square from the sun helps to illuminate Pluto’s agenda and the themes it’s exposing.
The first full week of Taurus season ushers in the full moon in Scorpio, the lunation that officially brings eclipse season to a close. This full moon shows us a culmination or ending in the Scorpio parts of our chart, and forms a T-square to Pluto in Aquarius, adding gravity and potentially a bit of discomfort to what comes up on, and around, April 23rd. Then on Thursday, Mercury stations direct in Aries, and we may begin to feel the forward movement and the momentum we have been craving, but Mercury picks up speed slowly, and we may need the same grace during this stationing moment. Finally, on Sunday, Mars conjoins with Neptune in Pisces, and when these two meet up, things can get tricky. Mars is a fast car wanting to move forward; Neptune introduces a cloud of confusion and some curves in the road, undermining Mars’ desire for linear and active progress, favoring meandering, dreaming, and flat-out escaping instead. This energy can be intoxicating in a certain kind of way, and while Neptune can soften Mars’ edges and the two can be helpful when fighting for your beliefs, they can also lend to a brand of extremism and can have us feeling worked up an uncertain of where to direct our energy.
Pluto pulls focus this week, stationing retrograde as both Venus and Mars move into their home signs and aspect the planet of power and transformation. On Monday Venus moves into Taurus luxuriating in earthly pleasures for a moment; then it squares Pluto in Aquarius the following night, highlighting tension in our values and the way we may behave to keep ourselves together, or our personal values may conflict with collective power structures. Mars moves into Aries on Tuesday—enjoying the boldness, spark of energy, and impulsivity for a few days while Pluto slows all the way down and stations retrograde in territory that it hasn’t been in for almost 250 years—then forms a sextile with Pluto on Friday, imbuing Mars with a little investigative drive, depth, and power.
We may start the week feeling a little sore or easily triggered as Mercury winds its way back through the territory it retrograded through, this time moving direct, and conjoins Chiron for the 3rd (and final for now) time in Aries. When Mercury and Chiron meet up, we may hear something that hurts our feelings, or engage in a narrative that picks at our core wounds. This can be a vulnerable and sometimes painful moment, and with this transit happening in Aries, harsh words may be flying around with a little less thought and more inhibition than usual. Since this is the 3rd hit of this transit during this Mercury retrograde, Monday may come with some closure or clarity regarding these thoughts, ideas, or conversations. Also on Monday, the sun sextiles Saturn in Pisces which adds a grounded, structured, responsible energy to the day. What we put our effort into and prioritize gets a boost, and has the potential to last. The following day, the new moon in Taurus piggybacks on this sextile to Saturn in Pisces, giving us a great lunation to work with, set new intentions, and manifest something you’ve been longing for. This new moon in Taurus on Tuesday is an opportunity to grow something abundant, fruitful, long-lasting, and unexpected.
The final week of Taurus season circles back to the energy that Taurus season began with. It starts with a Uranus cazimi in Taurus possibly extending the life of the Uranus Jupiter conjunction from the end of April. This cazimi may bring something to light, it might also highlight a space in your life where you’re ready to make a change or find a deeper level of freedom in some way. Also on Monday Venus sextiles Saturn, giving us an opportunity to commit to ourselves, our values, and our relationships in a deep way, possibly through boundaries or limitations. A few days later Mercury leaves its retrograde territory in the past and joins the sun, Uranus, and Jupiter in Taurus. Mercury in Taurus is trustworthy, steady, and not overly communicative; but with Mercury moving forward, we may feel more energized, and more willing to plan things out, and your thinking may feel more linear. As the weekend rolls around, Mercury follows the sun and Venus right into a square to Pluto. We may feel more investigative, or more paranoid, but also potentially triggered, and it’s a good day to look out for manipulation in conversation or in your own thought patterns. On Saturday, Venus conjoins Uranus and the sun conjoins Jupiter, both in Taurus, possibly continuing the string of changes and consequences coming from the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction, and showing us ways to innovate when it comes to our values, our connections, what we create, and how we grow our desires and our sense of security. This is an exceptional day to work with things you want to bring to fruition in the Taurus part of your chart. Finally, on Sunday—the final full day of Taurus season—the sun sextiles Neptune in Pisces, and Mars conjoins the north node in Aries, these energies may feel a bit mismatched and confusing. The sun and Neptune are working together to bring a dreamy, artistic, and spiritual element to life, while Mars supercharged by the north node is accelerating the drive, passion, and maybe aggression at the same time. It might be easy to get worked up or lean toward escapism as Taurus season wraps up. The following day, the sun moves into Gemini around dawn.
April 19th (6:59a) The sun enters Taurus (0°)
April 19th (8:28a) Mars in Pisces sextiles Jupiter in Taurus (21°)
April 19th (4:55p) Mars in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus (21°)
April 20th (7:26p) Jupiter in Taurus conjoins Uranus in Taurus (21°)
April 21st (10:01a) The sun in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius (2°)
April 23rd (4:48p) Full moon in Scorpio (4°)
April 25th (5:54a) Mercury stations direct in Aries (15°)
April 28th (9:30p) Mars in Pisces conjoins Neptune in Pisces (28°)
April 29th (4:31a) Venus enters Taurus (0°)
April 30th (8:32a) Mars enters Aries (0°)
April 30th (9:29p) Venus in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius (2°)
May 2nd (10:46a) Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius (2°)
May 3rd (2:05a) Mars in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius (2°)
May 6th (7:26p) Mercury in Aries conjoins Chiron in Aries (21°)
May 6th (10:42p) The sun in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces (17°)
May 7th (8:21p) New moon in Taurus (18°)
May 13th (2:13a) The sun in Taurus conjoins Uranus in Taurus (23°)
May 13th (12:45p) Venus in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces (17°)
May 15th (10:05a) Mercury enters Taurus (0°)
May 17th (12:43a) Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius (2°)
May 18th (4:40a) Venus in Taurus conjoins Uranus in Taurus (23°)
May 18th (11:45a) The sun in Taurus conjoins Jupiter in Taurus (28°)
May 19th (3:45p) The sun in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces (29°)
May 19th (8:58p) Mars in Aries conjoins the north node in Aries (14°)
May 20th (5:59a) The sun enters Gemini (0°)