The sun moves into Gemini on May 20, 2024

Welcome to Gemini season!
The sun moves into the witty and curious sign of mutable air on May 20th at 5:59 am and Gemini season ends on June 20th at 1:50 pm when the sun moves into Cancer with the solstice.
This Gemini season is a Gemini season to end all Gemini seasons—with 3 planets moving into Gemini within the first week and mercury a couple of weeks behind, Gemini energy will receive a burst of affirmation, momentum, and attention to close out spring this year.
Because so much activity is taking place this Gemini season, we can split it into 3 phases based on where Mercury is, and therefore where Gemini energy is getting direction.
- Phase 1 (May 20 - June 3): the part of Gemini season ruled by Mercury in Taurus
- Phase 2 (June 3 - June 17): the part of Gemini season ruled by Mercury in Gemini
- Phase 3 (June 17 - June 20): the part of Gemini season ruled by Mercury in Cancer
The first part of Gemini season will respond well to a steadier and slower pace, as a means of sorting through everything that the air energy whips up. The middle part of Gemini season asks us to lift our feet off the ground and go where the wind blows. The final (smallest) part of Gemini season invites us to speak from our emotional core, prioritize thoughtfulness, and use our social skills to cultivate relationships that feel like family.
This Gemini season kicks off the year-long transit of Jupiter in Gemini, a sign it is not so comfortable in, but will expand and draw focus to either way. While there, Jupiter can overwhelm us with details and information, but also help us to expand our perspectives, open up to new world-views, and explore new ways of satisfying our curiosity. As planets transit Gemini they will conjoin each other throughout the season, further highlighting the airy energy, including two cazimis (Mercury and Venus) making this a moment we can find a bit of clarity, connection, and an ‘aha-moment’ or two. In addition to conjunctions within Gemini, planets transiting through Gemini will immediately trine Pluto in Aquarius, egging on the Gemini energy and encouraging a depth in the airy parts of life; but also shedding light on the new(ish) agendas of Pluto in Aquarius. These trines to Pluto may make it easier to investigate, embolden us, and help us to engage in meaningful conversations and engage with powerful ideas. As planets continue to make their way through the mutable air sign, they will form sextiles to the north node and Chiron in Aries, potentially bringing us back around to some of the themes and topics that came up earlier in the spring, particularly in April. These sextiles may help us to soothe something painful that’s been lingering since then or move into a new phase of healing something related to your use of energy, your self-determination, or your identity. As their time in Gemini winds down and planets begin to inch their way toward the sign of the crab, they will bump into a square to Neptune at the last degree of Gemini. When Mercury, Venus, and the sun square Neptune, we are encouraged to be discerning, as illusions, confusion, and deception may be in the air.
My advice to you: Let all of this Gemini energy open you up to your largest and smallest curiosities, to the perspectives and teachings of others or things outside of your typical interests and fields of study, and possibly most of all, to the pieces of information being presented to you at any given moment, if you just get present and pay attention to what’s around you. While Gemini energy presents a stark contrast to the restful and rejuvenating energy of Taurus season, it is meant to build on the ground Taurus set. Taurus energy helped (helps) us to slow down and get present to what our senses experience and Gemini energy asks us to take that one step further and process the information that we are collecting when we spend intentional time with our reality.
Full moon in Sagittarius (2°) on May 23rd at 6:53 am
New moon in Gemini (16°) on June 6th at 5:37 am
Both of the lunations of Gemini season are well supported, and largely beneficial, although both may encourage some overconsumption, idealism, and inhibition, Venus conjunctions are significant in both, so there will likely be feelings of connection, joy, and creativity as well.
The full moon in Sagittarius brings us a culmination, celebration, or ending within the first few days of Gemini season, and the energy of this full moon is lighthearted, joyful, and auspicious, but also intense and willing to push the boundaries. It's important not to go overboard with this full moon in Sagittarius. A couple of weeks later the new moon in Gemini brings us an opportunity to set new intentions supported by all of the energy in Gemini, pushing us to explore the breadth and depth of our varied interests. This new moon is asking us to speak our intentions into existence through interesting conversations, the collection of new information, or the spread of exciting new ideas.
Gemini season breakdown:
At the start of this week (and in the final hours of Taurus season) the moon and south node in Libra, and Pluto in Aquarius are the only placements representing the air element, but early on Monday morning the sun’s ingress into Gemini brings air energy to the forefront. Within the first couple of days of Gemini season, the sun trines Pluto in Aquarius, amping up the air energy and the spread of ideas, and conversations, as well as a focus on social issues and our social lives. This trine to Pluto is an emboldening and empowering way for planets to enter Gemini—and the sun begins a train of planets including Venus and Jupiter, later this week, and Mercury following suit in the first few days of June, which all move into Gemini and are immediately greeted by a trine to Pluto. As the energy builds in Gemini, the final blessings play out in Taurus, with a Venus and Jupiter conjoining in a sextile to Neptune in Pisces, leading to a dreamy, connective, and possibly a little excessive good time as these transits exact on Thursday. Thursday also brings Gemini season’s first lunation, a full moon in Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter entangled with Venus and Neptune. This full moon brings an optimistic and lovely-looking midweek culmination, ending, or celebration to the Sagittarius areas of our lives. After meeting up with Jupiter and Neptune, Venus moves out of its earthy home and into the flirty and witty mutable air sign, where it will trine Pluto on Saturday, right before Jupiter makes the journey into Gemini as well.
This week revisits some of the energy from Aries season and Taurus season as Mercury navigates the fixed earth sign, sextiling Saturn in Pisces on Monday evening, providing a sense of grounding, stability, and responsibility in the way we communicate and move through the world. Later in the week Mars and Chiron conjoin in Aries bringing back a theme from earlier in the spring, helping us to confront an insecurity or pain-point related to our sense of self, identity, personal power, or how we manage our motivation and aggression. On Thursday Mercury conjoins Uranus in Taurus, giving a voice to some of the key changes that took place during Taurus season and in the Taurus parts of our charts. We might receive some unexpected news, or participate in a surprising conversation, but we also might get the opportunity to rewrite some element of a narrative we hold about ourselves or the world around us. To wrap up the week, Sunday brings expansive energy with Mercury forming a sextile with Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter moving into a trine to Pluto in Aquarius—providing depth, artistry, and spiritual gravity to the way we communicate and what we have to say; widening our perspective and encouraging investigation.
Just after midnight, Mercury joins the party in Gemini—moving into its diurnal home sign, strengthening itself and the other planets in Gemini, and giving them more resources to draw on. Mercury in Gemini is quick, smart yet easily distracted, communicative, and irreverent, and while Mercury is at home, ruling this Gemini season (until June 17th) you may find yourself more communicative, more flexible, or more capable of wielding words with dexterity. On Monday evening, the sun and Venus sextile the north node in Aries, giving us a boost of confidence and inviting us out into the world to be seen and to connect with others, but with Mercury in a trine to Pluto we might find ourselves caught up in a deep conversation or an exploration of something by the end of the night. On Tuesday morning, Mercury and Jupiter conjoin in Gemini as Venus completes its cazimi with the sun. Information may run on overload today, but it’s a great day to work out some of the details of larger concepts or worldviews or to have rambling conversations with people you find interesting. Meanwhile, the Venus cazimi may bring some connections, values, or artwork to a place of clarity for you, Venus cazimis can be a lovely time to engage in Venusian themes (particularly in the Gemini area of your chart). Both of these energies, the Venus cazimi in particular hang around in the air for the new moon in Gemini on Thursday, so when the moon conjoins the sun it also passes over the separating Jupiter Mercury conjunction and conjoins Venus as it meets the sun. The new moon in Gemini is a great opportunity to set intentions, maybe a variety of intentions, especially through conversation or during an exchange of ideas. Co-present with both benefics and ruled by Mercury in its home sign, this new moon is resourced and ready to fertilize the ground for new seeds, or rather not the ground, the air. By the weekend, we may be feeling slowed down a bit by some tension. The Venus Saturn square on Saturday asks us to assess how the structure and systems of accountability are working out in our connections or related to our values or our creations and with Mars enters Taurus, a sign it’s less comfortable in, we may be feeling less motivated or energized, stuck in some way or more stubborn. Then on Sunday, the sun squares Saturn as well, asking us to look at the ways we are accountable to ourselves and the limits of our vitality and our ego but with Mercury sextile to the north on Sunday morning as well, we may be feeling more communicative and we may be able to approach the boundaries and responsibilities that come up with more lightness and flexibility.
Last weekend’s Saturn squares may have left us feeling a little sour or depleted as this week kicks off, but we continue the trend of a little sweetness to help us move through some more difficult aspects, with a Venus sextile to Chiron in Aries. When Venus and Chiron join forces, we may be prompted to heal something in our connections or to create something that feels healing or eases the process of healing, but the same day, when Mars in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius, we may feel much less comforted and more paranoid or even aggressive. With Mars in its detriment, we may feel overcome by something more powerful or systemic. The following day Mercury goes on to make the same square to Saturn that other planets in Gemini have been making, maybe restricting our voice a little, but also possibly urging us to find a deeper level of commitment and accountability in what we say and how we use our voice. Then at the end of the day the sun in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries getting some support in addressing a core wound related to our identity, our self-determination, or how we are perceived. Then on Thursday Mercury also sextiles Chiron, giving our wounds a voice, or encouraging us to talk or write through soothing that hurts as a means of proving some healing. The Mercury cazimi comes around on Friday, giving us a burst of mental clarity, eye-opening conversations, and stimulating information. Then the week closes out with Venus squaring Neptune in Pisces, making us confront some of our more escapist and delusion desires with the reality of our love lives, spiritual practices, or creative endeavors. Then Venus moves into Cancer, leaving the Gemini party for one much more intimate, care-oriented, and filled with inspiration from people who feel like family.
The final week of Gemini season kicks off with a Mercury square to Neptune in Pisces, disorienting, and potentially deceptive, this square might bring something confusing or misleading into your day on Monday, and then Mercury leaves its home sign for the cardinal water sign of Cancer. Mercury in Cancer is sweet, only vulnerable when safe, and a little indirect, but Mercury immediately conjoins Venus in Cancer, making its exit from its home sign more comfortable, and more easeful. When Mercury and Venus come together, we may feel more creative with our words and more prone to sweet talk. Finally, on Thursday, as its last act in Gemini, the sun squares Neptune, bringing a dreamy but potentially delusion energy to the day and to our senses as we move through it. This is not the day to make unexpected commitments or to take drastic risks, but it might be a nice day to relax or spend some time in nature or among things you find beautiful as you celebrate the solstice and usher in Cancer season.
May 20th (5:59a) The sun enters Gemini (0°)
May 22nd (8:13a) The sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (2°)
May 23rd (1:29a) Venus in Taurus conjoins Jupiter in Taurus (29°)
May 23rd (3:50a) Venus in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces (29°)
May 23rd (6:53a) Full moon in Sagittarius (2°)
May 23rd (1:30p) Venus enters Gemini (0°)
May 23rd (2:44p) Jupiter in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces (29°)
May 25th (4:16a) Venus in Gemini trines Pluto in Aquarius (1°)
May 25th (4:14p) Jupiter enters Gemini (0°)
May 27th (8:22p) Mercury in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces (18°)
May 29th (10:08a) Mars in Aries conjoins Chiron in Aries (22°)
May 30th (10:54p) Mercury in Taurus conjoins Uranus in Taurus (24°)
June 2nd (5:12p) Jupiter in Gemini trines Pluto in Aquarius (1°)
June 2nd (8:57p) Mercury in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces (29°)
June 3rd (12:36a) Mercury enters Gemini (0°)
June 3rd (7:50p) The sun in Gemini sextiles the north node in Aries (13°)
June 3rd (10:29p) Venus in Gemini sextiles the north node in Aries (13°)
June 3rd (11:12p) Mercury in Gemini trines Pluto in Aquarius (1°)
June 4th (3:23a) Mercury in Gemini conjoins Jupiter in Gemini (2°)
June 4th (8:33a) The sun in Gemini conjoins Venus in Gemini (14°)
June 6th (5:37a) New moon in Gemini (16°)
June 8th (1:25a) Venus in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces (19°)
June 8th (9:34p) Mars enters Taurus (0°)
June 9th (3:35a) The sun in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces (19°)
June 9th (9:28a) Mercury in Gemini sextiles the north node in Aries (13°)
June 11th (12:12a) Venus in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries (22°)
June 11th (6:21a) Mars in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius (1°)
June 12th (3:47a) Mercury in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces (19°)
June 12th (11:24p) The sun in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries (22°)
June 13th (7:01p) Mercury in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries (22°)
June 14th (9:32a) The sun in Gemini conjoins Mercury in Gemini (24°)
June 16th (8:46p) Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces (29°)
June 16th (11:20p) Venus enters Cancer (0°)
June 17th (12:41a) Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces (29°)
June 17th (2:06a) Mercury enters Cancer (0°)
June 17th (5:42a) Mercury in Cancer conjoins Venus in Cancer (0°)
June 20th (11:12a) The sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces (29°)
June 20th (1:50p) The sun enters Cancer (0°)
Happy Gemini season!
The sun moves into Gemini on May 20th at 5:59 am