The sun moves into Libra on September 22, 2024

Welcome to Libra season!
September 22 - October 22
The Equinox’s balancing act moves the sun into the diplomatic, charming, and aesthetically-minded cardinal air sign on September 22nd at 5:43 am, and Libra season ends on October 22nd at 3:14 pm when the sun moves into Scorpio.
Happy equinox—welcome to autumn for those of us in the northern hemisphere, and welcome to spring for everyone in the southern hemisphere! The start of Libra season comes in at a moment of balance, and a moment of reflection. This equinox brings us to the halfway point in the astrological year, and this moment asks us to consider everything we hoped for back in the spring, in order to check in on our progress and sit with our changes. What are we harvesting, and how do we want to pivot as we face the next half of the year moving through the back half of the astrological year?
Libra season continues eclipse season as the sun moves into the sign of the south node. In addition to the actual solar eclipse in Libra, this solar season brings us some heightened energy as planets that move through Libra conjoin the south node, asking us to get serious about what were willing to release in order to become more authentic version of ourselves moving forward.
During this Libra season, the outer planets will be taking most of the personal planets for a ride as they transition from one sign to the next. The outer planets, looming at the final degrees of their respective signs, will form aspects to the sun, Mercury, and Venus when they leave Virgo and Libra.
Meanwhile, the ruler of this Libra season, Venus, spends almost the entirety of Libra season in the sign of its determent, Scorpio. While this is a challenging poison for Venus and we may have to work extra hard to be vulnerable and allow our connections to flourish during this time, we have a supportive trine forming and releasing between Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces. This grand water trine may involve a couple of planets in uncomfortable positions, but it’s helping us to make the difficult choices that we need to make in order to take care of ourselves in real, concrete, and lasting ways. This is a moment to invest your energy into yourself, whatever that means to you.
Solar eclipse in Libra (10°) on October 2nd at 11:49 am
Eclipses are a moment of course correction, but it’s not your job to find your way, you will be directed, it’s your job to flow with what it is and find ways to keep yourself centered as the world moves around you. This eclipse may have you feeling quiet or in need of some time to revise your thoughts, ideas, or words. There may be some aggression working itself out, with this eclipse, either you finding an outlet for something that’s been budding up within you, or you experiencing someone else’s search for that outlet. This moment may ask us to get really honest and restrict the people who have access to us for a little while, but there’s potential here to grow something that will move you into your future. Follow the energy you feel to pursue something, work on something, and create responsible plans for something that you want to build long-term.
Full moon in Aries (24°) on October 17th at 4:26 am
This full moon in Aries is not an eclipse and is a point of release where we get to decide what we let go of, and how we celebrate the endings we’ve cultivated in the Aries parts of our charts. We may find ourselves needing to negotiate our energy levels and find constructive outlets for our aggression, passion, or drive. A great time to look inward and think about our own personal healing and what it means to truly take care of ourselves. How can you bring things to a close and work with the endings coming of their own accord, through a lens of deep self-care?
Libra season breakdown:
The first day of Libra season brings some foreshadowing about what’s to come as Venus, the ruling planet of this solar season squares off with Pluto in Capricorn before moving from Libra in Scorpio where it will spend the next 4 weeks (and almost the entirety of libra season). When Venus meets up with Pluto in this way we may find ourselves feeling more paranoid, more queued into power dynamics, and maybe even a little obsessed when it comes to our connections, our money, and our values. This is setting the stage for Venus’ ingress later that day, because as Venus moves from its diurnal home sign of Libra into its detriment in Scorpio, we may find the tones shift in subtle ways, toward the darker, the more subterranean, and possibly even the more passionate. On Tuesday and Wednesday, our attention shifts to the mercurial as mercury moves from a trine to Uranus in Taurus, into an opposition with Neptune in Pisces, and then into a trine with Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury provides each of the outer planets with a microphone, amplifying messages of unexpected but pleasantly surprising twists, derailing and distracting illusions, and empowerment and transformation. Then on Thursday Mercury moves into Libra where it leaves some of its detail-oriented energy behind in favor of a more sociable balancing act. The end of the week might bring down the energy slightly as we ponder the things we need to do to move forward and the things we may need to stop doing to move forward. The sun and Mercury in Libra conjoin the south node, showing us where we can release the things and people that we no longer wish to carry forward in our lives, and can bring draining situations and conversation to the forefront. But with a trine between Mars and Saturn closing out the week, we may have more attention and drive when it comes to our responsibilities and the foundations we are setting for ourselves and our futures.
This week offers fewer transits, but they may feel significant, and more impactful. We may need to expect the unexpected, in retrospect, we may look back on this moment as a major turning point or moment of course correction because this week brings our second and final eclipse of this eclipse season. But first, on Monday, Mercury and the sun conjoin, forming a cazimi in Libra, this is a clarifying moment with information coming to light that may help us to navigate our relationships, and clear up a miscommunication that arose during the most recent Mercury retrograde, or with it so close to the south node, might help us find some clarity around what we need to let go of. Wednesday is the big day, with the sun and moon meeting up in Libra, continuing the themes of release, while also offering us a moment of new beginnings. When we make room, by clearing out what no longer belongs, we may find that we have the space to want and dream up new things and experiences, this solar eclipse can help us to do just that. On Friday, Venus in Scorpio makes a trine to Saturn in Pisces, and this can be very helpful for getting grounded in the commitments we make to ourselves and others and recognizing that as much as we may be saying goodbye to certain things, behaviors, people, and places at this moment, we are also building out our futures with our current actions. Finally, on Saturday, Mercury in Libra squares Mars in Cancer, exposing some possible tension between what we are saying and what we are doing, and it might indicate a difficult moment when it comes to our conversations and information exchange. Both of these planets can be a bit passive-aggressive in their respective signs, so it’s important to say what you mean, even if you need to spend a little time searching for the kindest words.
This week may bring up some pain points as we explore the vulnerability necessary to heal the parts of us that we might normally hide instead. Tuesday begins with a trine between Venus and Mars, both pretty uncomfortable in their respective signs, but coming together to help find alignment between what we want and how we go after it, our motivation, and our values. This can be helpful for deepening connections and practicing meaningful art forms. Then Mercury in Libra goes on to trine Jupiter in Gemini, expanding our conversation and our ideas, giving us the ability to see the big picture and the details within it, this can be great astrology for communicating yourself, but be wary of over-committing. The final transit on Tuesday is an opposition between Mercury and Chiron, while Jupiter may be egging us on to talk, there’s something a bit more personal and a bit more painful that may inadvertently be finding its way into our tone and our conversations. This is a moment to watch out for projections, and to instead take the time to look clearly at what hurts rather than trying to ignore it and letting it slip into places you may be unpleasantly surprised to find it later. On Wednesday, Jupiter in Gemini stations retrograde pulling focus to the expansive, philosophical, and abundant planet as it navigates the details of our minds and environments. This may just bring a little extra attention to the part of your chart that contains Gemini, but you may also find that you’re feeling the need to zoom out and take in the bigger picture in the jupiter-ruled areas of your life as well. While Jupiter retrogrades for the next few months, we will be reviewing this big picture. On Friday, Pluto in Capricorn stations direct, and similarly to Jupiter, this stationing will draw attention to the planet of power, intensity, and the underworld, but instead of moving into a prior of review, we will be implementing what were been reveling for the last few months, and in this case, it is a final act of implementation when it comes to Pluto in Capricorn. This is the last leg of this transit that any of us will experience in our lifetimes, so if there’s something in the Capricorn part of your chart calling for transformation, the next month is the time to clear on that. As the weekend rolls around, Jupiter in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries, helping us to find new ways of looking at our pain, and possibly new perspectives on how to work with it and heal parts of it. The week ends with some action, as Mercury squares off with Pluto and then moves along into Scorpio, Mars and the sun make hard aspects to Chiron in Aries, and the sun trines Jupiter. We may be finding ourselves a little paranoid once again, digging deep into the crevices of our minds and exploring the depths of anytime we can get our hands on. While exploring, we may find our way back to those pain points that came up earlier in the week as Mars squares Chiron and the sun opposes it, we may want to see ourselves in a way that makes it hard to acknowledge what has hurt us, but feeling authentically powerful doesn’t come from avoiding what hurts, it comes from integrating it.
The last full week of Libra season begins with some tension bubbling up between how we see ourselves, or how we want to see ourselves, and what it is that we actually do with our time and energy. This square between the sun in Libra and Mars in Cancer can bring up some tension, and make us feel the need to defend ourselves. This week, Venus is being taken on a ride by the outer planets, opposing Uranus in Taurus, trining Neptune in Pisces, and sextiling Pluto in Capricorn before its ingress into Sagittarius on Thursday. This whirlwind can bring shake ups to our relationships and our values that may leave us in the midst of changes that came on expectedly, or feeling ready to enact some change ourselves. We may be feeling a certain kind of dreamy quality, an uncertainty, but a drive toward the lovely and even the delusional, but we are learning how to face the power dynamics at play in our relationships and in our lives, before we shift our focus away from the sacred and toward the interesting, toward what makes us curios, and toward the fun-loving adventures that Venus in Sagittarius can bring. Thursday also brings us a full moon in Aries, and while this lunation is not an eclipse, it is answering to the new moon two weeks ago that was an eclipse, so some of the lingering uncertainty and fated twists and turns may continue to show themselves during this culmination in the Aries parts of our charts. This is a great moment to reflect on the eclipses that we have been having across the Libra and Aries axis, because the ways we chose to integrate those lessons in this time period are more in our control than any of the other experiences we’ve been having around these lunations for the last year or so.
The final days of Libra season bring us a trine between Mercury in Scorpio and Saturn in Pisces, helping us to align our words, our messages, and our commitments to what we want to foster and put effort into moving forward. We can use our conversations to build out our foundations and do our best to move with integrity. Finally, the sun makes the square to Pluto that Venus and Mercury have already made this season, highlighting tension, paranoia, obsession, and investigation as we prepare ourselves for spooky season, darker days, and the unknown depths of Scorpio season.
September 22nd (5:43a) The sun enters Libra (0°)
September 22nd (2:14p) Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn (29°)
September 22nd (7:36p) Venus enters Scorpio (0°)
September 24th (10:27a) Mercury in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus (27°)
September 25th (4:06a) Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces (28°)
September 25th (9:13p) Mercury in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn (29°)
September 26th (1:08a) Mercury enters Libra (0°)
September 29th (12:24a) The sun in Libra opposes the north node in Aries (6°)
September 29th (5:19p) Mercury in Libra opposes the north node in Aries (6°)
September 29th (9:06p) Mars in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces (14°)
September 30th (2:09p) The sun in Libra conjoins Mercury in Libra (8°)
October 2nd (11:49a) Solar eclipse in Libra (10°)
October 4th (10:03a) Venus in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces (14°)
October 5th (11:36p) Mercury in Libra squares Mars in Cancer (17°)
October 8th (3:21a) Venus in Scorpio trines Mars in Cancer (18°)
October 8th (5:22a) Mercury in Libra trines Jupiter in Gemini (21°)
October 8th (7:36a) Mercury in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries (21°)
October 9th (12:04a) Jupiter in Gemini stations retrograde (21°)
October 11th (5:31p) Pluto in Capricorn stations direct (29°)
October 12th (12:34a) Jupiter in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries (21°)
October 13th (7:02a) Mercury in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn (29°)
October 13th (12:23) Mercury enters Scorpio (0°)
October 13th (1:36p) Mars in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries (21°)
October 13th (7:28p) The sun in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries (21°)
October 13th (8:52p) The sun in Libra trines Jupiter in Gemini (21°)
October 14th (1:15a) The sun in Libra squares Mars in Cancer (21°)
October 14th (3:21p) Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus (26°)
October 15th (5:49p) Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces (27°)
October 17th (4:26a) Full moon in Aries (24°)
October 17th (5:30a) Venus in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn (29°)
October 17th (12:28p) Venus enters Sagittarius (0°)
October 21st (11:34p) Mercury in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces (13°)
October 22nd (7:15a) The sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn (29°)
October 22nd (3:14p) The sun enters Scorpio (0°)
Happy Libra season!
The sun moves into Libra on September 22nd at 5:43 am