The sun moves into Virgo on August 22, 2024

Welcome to Virgo season!
The sun moves into into the detail-oriented, witty, and fast-paced mutable earth sign on August 22nd at 7:55 am and Virgo season ends on September 22nd at 5:43 am when the sun moves into Libra.
Virgo season brings a continuation of some themes from Leo season and a big shift into something different as well. While planets in mutable signs will still be contending with one another, Mercury will station direct and bring forward movement to its nocturnal home sign, Venus will grace its own home sign of Libra with its presence, and Pluto is moving back into Capricorn, the real headline is the start of eclipse season.
Luckily we get most of Virgo season to mentally and physically prepare ourselves for yet another eclipse season. It's coming in with some unexpected and unpredictable energy (more so than your average eclipse) because it is not in the same sign as the north node. We are still largely working on Aries and Libra themes with our eclipses and have been since last year, but this is our first eclipse in Pisces, near the north node (which is still in Aries) in almost 20 years, so it will bring its own flair. Eclipse season is a time to flow with what is, and stay centered within yourself because it is typically a period of the year when we feel less in control and more at the whim of the universe or even fate. Eclipse season can bring big changes, rises in status, and falls from grace, but it can also just be a nervy and emotional time, so take good care of yourself. Eclipse energy will peak right around this first eclipse in Pisces until just after the second eclipse in Libra in early October.
As the sun and Mercury move through Virgo, they will encounter squares to Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, brinning up some of the challenges in mutable signs from the last week or so of Leo season, we may be feeling preoccupied by limitations to our growth, and how we see ourselves and communicate ourselves through that tension, lack of clarity, and uncertainty.
To celebrate the start of September, Pluto moves back to the 29th degree of Capricorn for one final jaunt in the cardinal earth sign. Pluto has been playing around with the line between Saturn’s two signs for the last year and a half but this is the last of it. From September 1st to November 19th, Pluto will be back in Capricorn, going over one final review of that part of our charts and bringing to light what Pluto has transformed it into over the last 2 decades. This time may bring us closure on some level, clarity about what had transpired, and possibly even a little leveling out of all that Pluto has magnified and demolished during its journey.
While the things outside of our control, may feel even more out of control this Virgo season, the things we engage with more personally may have more for us. With Mercury stationing direct in Leo and moving forward and back into its home sign of Virgo, we may feel a consistent increase in our confidence and ability when it comes to mercurial tasks, conversations, and information processing. By the second week of September, we may be feeling witty, detail-oriented and capable—ready to move things forward and tie up loose ends from the retrograde. In addition, with Venus moving from Virgo into Libra, we may feel a shift in all things Venusian, pretty early on in Virgo season as well, giving us a great sense of ease, allure, and diplomacy in our connections. Virgo season wants us to get local in a certain kind of way. Connect openly, share your ideas with people you know, and allow your community to help center you when the world outside of your bubble looks less predictable. This Virgo season, we have each other and all of the resources that we need to connect with one another, and take advantage of the flow of ideas, the collaboration, and the beauty in being together.
New moon in Virgo (11°) on September 2nd at 6:55 pm
This new moon is practical and can help you set meaningful intentions around what you want to build and the ways you want to tend to the process of growing and maturing. This new moon is coming during a confusing moment but it’s opposing Saturn, so it’s important not to get lost in the noise. Take some time away and focus on what matters most to you, what feels healing, and what you want to carry forward into your future.
Out-of-sign lunar eclipse in Pisces (25°) on September 17th at 7:34 pm
This full moon is an eclipse! Eclipses can bring the unknown in general but this one in Pisces, conjunct Neptune may bring confusion, misdirection, or a foggy lack of clarity to an ending or culmination in your life. This moment might be a challenging one, or one where you don’t feel a great sense of control, but this eclipse is an invitation to focus on what you are in control of: how you treat people, what you say, and what you agree to.
Virgo season breakdown:
Virgo season kicks off with some Mars activity! As planets in mutable signs begins to separate from their hard aspects to Saturn, this activity might feel freeing. But while the themes from the end of Leo season will come back around before the sun moves out of Virgo, the tone’s beginning to shift. Mars squares Venus in Virgo which might feel prickly, a little abrasive, or challenging in some ways, it could also be full of passion and stimulating conversations. On Friday, Mercury, still retrograde and moving through Leo, trines Chiron in Aries and sextiles Mars in Gemini, with Mars sextiling Chiron the following day. This weekend may feel empowering , healing, or generative in some ways. You may find yourself able to express latent feeling or rewrite old narratives you hold about yourself. You may even feel motivated to stand up for yourself or assert your needs in a new way.
On Tuesday Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus, encouraging us to change up something about our values, our connections, or our approach to beauty and comfort. Meanwhile, the following day Venus opposes Neptune in Pisces, so while it is a good idea to make some fun changes and explore some curiosities, it is important to remain levelheaded when when it comes to Neptune transits. This opposition can make it easy to get carried away, lost in the story, deluded by your own expectations, or even mislead by someone else. Later on Wednesday, Mercury in Leo stations direct, bringing the end to Mercury retrograde. While Mercury appears to be moving quite slowly as it stations, it will soon begin to pick up speed and we’ll start to see more forward movement in the mercurial areas of life. The following day, Venus moves from the sign it is least comfortable in, virgo, to its home sign of Libra. When Venus is in libra, is had a great ability to connect broadly, apply soothing social balms, and create aesthetic balance and cohesion. As soon as Venus enters Libra it immediately trines Pluto in Aquarius adding a depth, and intensity, and a fuel to our connections, and our expression of our values. Finally, on Sunday two outer planets pull some focus as Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus, and Pluto already retrograde moves back to the final degree of Capricorn for the last time in our lifetimes. We close out this week focussed on the changes we want to make or the unpredictability in the air, but also stepping back into an old structure, and old regime, or and old dynamic, in the Capricorn parts of our charts. This weekend may come with a little extra weight, little extra power, and a little instability.
Now that Mercury has stationed direct it has some old ground to cover again, and it starts this week, returning to a trine to Chiron that it has made three times in the last few weeks. This trine to Chiron will likely be healing and helpful regarding the ways you communicate yourself or communicate with yourself. It also might tie bow on something you’ve been embracing on and off all summer. Also on Monday, we will have a new moon in Virgo which will help us to usher in something practical and intentional. This new moon is opposite Saturn so plant seeds that you are willing to water and tend to consistently. Lastly on Monday, Mars squares Neptune, adding a confusing and aggressive energy to the day (and the week). We may be ready to fight, but unsure of what we're fighting for, or ready to move but unsure of where we're going. Slow, steady, and responsible will pay off as this week gets going. On Tuesday Venus opposes the north node in Aries (and conjoins the south node) making us feel a little stifled and drained by frivolity and connection, it might be a good time for a little alone time. On Wednesday Mars moves into Cancer, Mars in Cancer can be indirect, passive aggressive, tenacious, and protective. As Mars clarifies the themes of its transit through Cancer, pay attention because Mars will retrograde back into the late degrees of Cancer early next year. As the weekend rolls around Mercury squares Uranus for the 3rd time in the last few weeks, bringing up some surprising information or conversations. Then on Saturday, the sun in Virgo opposes Saturn bringing our attention to our responsibilities, and possibly dampening the weekend a bit, and brining around some of the themes from the last week of Leo season. Finally Mercury moves back into Virgo at the end of the day on Sunday, giving our communication and information processing a boost as Mercury gets comfortable in its home sign once again.
This week offers a little bit of a break and some time for the transits from last week to clear the air. The week gets going in earnest on Wednesday with a sextile between Mercury in Virgo and Mars, newly in Cancer. We may find our plans aligning with our energy level or with our actions. If we are working on our relationships with accountability, this transit can help us say what we mean and do what we say. Then on Thursday, the sun squares Jupiter in Gemini, possible making us feel more vitalized and excited to be seen, or to put more than we normally would on our plates—our eyes can be bigger than our proverbial stomachs. The weekend rolls around bringing another expansive Jupiter transit, this time with Jupiter trine to Venus, this Saturday may present opportunities for auspicious connections and sweetness. This day could easily pass without anything big happening, but this lovely transit is here for us to engage with—go outside, talk to people you like, put yourself in the path of beauty and let it work its magic! Then on Sunday, Mars squares the north node, possibly showing us the limits to our energy and encouraging us to rest and take some space when we need it.
Virgo season ends with a bang of a week. On Monday, Venus opposes Chiron in Aries, bringing something painful up in our connections or related to our values and how our individuality fits into them. Then on Tuesday we have our first eclipse of the second half of the year, and while the nodes are still in Libra and Aries, we get an out-of-sign lunar eclipse in Pisces. This is the first of a series that will continue to play out over the next 2 years. This eclipse pulls in themes from the outer planets adding to the allure, the mystique, and the opaqueness that an eclipse usually brings on its own. We may not feel any control in this moment or even understand what’s culminating with this full moon. On Wednesday, Mercury opposes Saturn, bringing our attention to our commitments and our limitations. If we’ve been flippant with our words or agreements this is the time to make things more stable or reliable, by holding yourself accountable for what you say and how you move through the world. As the weekend rolls around the confusing energy from the eclipse continues when the sun opposes Neptune in Pisces, we may have trouble truly knowing the difference between reality and our illusions. This opposition can be misleading, deluding, or distracting, and it might feel like reality is too tight for the less tangible to fit. But if you have the space to dive into your dreams, the liminal space of your creative expression, your spiritual beliefs, without escaping from or avoiding your responsibilities, you might find this weekend inspiring. On Saturday, Mercury squares Jupiter, challenging us to levy what we believe against what we know, hopefully in the name of curiosity and learning more about each; but this energy can feel frustrating when you confuse your beliefs with knowledge or vise versa. Then later that day, the sun trines Pluto, back in Capricorn, giving a boost and a depth to our sense of identity and authority. We may find this weekend highlights some of the good things that have come out of Pluto’s transit through Capricorn (2008-2024), like a celebratory lap from the planet of power, magnification, and control just before the equinox.
August 22nd (7:55a) The sun enters Virgo (0°)
August 22nd (8:20p) Venus in Virgo squares Mars in Gemini (22°)
August 23rd (5:20a) Mercury in Leo trines Chiron in Aries (23°)
August 23rd (9:30p) Mercury in Leo sextiles Mars in Gemini (22°)
August 24th (11:33a) Mars in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries (23°)
August 27th (12:23a) Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus (27°)
August 28th (1:24p) Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pises (29°)
August 28th (2:13p) Mercury in Leo stations direct (21°)
August 29th (6:22a) Venus enters Libra (0°)
August 29th (7:31a) Venus in Libra trines Pluto in Aquarius (0°)
September 1st (8:17a) Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus (27°)
September 1st (4:57p) Pluto re-enters Capricorn (29°)
September 2nd (6:46a) Mercury in Leo trines Chiron in Aries (22°)
September 2nd (6:55p) New moon in Virgo (11°)
September 2nd (9:09p) Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces (28°)
September 3rd (4:58p) Venus in Libra opposes the north node in Aries (6°)
September 4th (12:46p) Mars enters Cancer (0°)
September 6th (9:20p) Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus (27°)
September 7th (9:35p) The sun Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces (16°)
September 8th (11:50p) Mercury enters Virgo (0°)
September 11th (8:41p) Mercury in Virgo sextiles Mars in Cancer (4°)
September 12th (3:52a) The sun in Virgo squares Jupiter in Gemini (20°)
September 14th (10:34p) Venus in Libra trines Jupiter in Gemini (20°)
September 15th (7:25p) Mars in Cancer squares the north node in Aries (6°)
September 16th (2:29p) Venus in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries (22°)
September 17th (7:34p) Full moon in Pisces (lunar eclipse -out of sign) (25°)
September 18th (1:50a) Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces (15°)
September 20th (5:16p) The sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces (28°)
September 21st (1:49a) Mercury in Virgo squares Jupiter in Gemini (20°)
September 21st (11:11p) The sun in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn (29°)
September 22nd (5:43a) The sun enters Libra (0°)
Happy Virgo season!
The sun moves into Virgo on August 22nd at 7:55 am