The sun moves into Capricorn on December 21, 2024

Welcome to Capricorn season!
December 21 - January 19
With the solstice on December 21st, the sun moves into the diligent, determined, and ambitious sign of cardinal earth at 1:20 am, and Capricorn season ends on January 19th at noon when the sun moves into Aquarius.
The solstice comes along on December 21st, ushering in winter for those of us in the northern hemisphere, summer for those of us in the southern hemisphere, and Capricorn season for all. This moment encompasses the ongoing change of seasons and the change in potential as the quality of light begins to increase and decrease depending on where you are. This is a day of extremes, either the longest day or the longest night, but everything is changing on the other side.
The first week of Capricorn season and the final week of 2024 brings along the clash in mutable signs that we have been building to since the start of Sagittarius season, and even more so since June, as Jupiter in Gemini squares off with Saturn in Pisces. At the same time, Mercury moving through Sagittarius after its retrograde, bumps into a square to Saturn and opposition to Jupiter upping the ante. Then later in Capricorn season, Venus, moving through Pisces comes into a conjunction with Saturn and squares Jupiter. This moment is asking us to prioritize but also to compromise—whether that’s with ourselves, with others, or with the idealized vision of our goals, our world views, and ultimately the way we want to grow. We will need to get serious about what we can and cannot take with us, as we level up, we will need to decide how to honor our values with our actions, we will need to decide how we are going to grow within the realistic limits we face, and how to build a foundation that supports continued dreaming.
Capricorn season will see the continuation of Mars’ retrograde through Leo and its opposition to Pluto, as well as Mars’ re-entrance into its fall, Cancer, and its opposition to the sun in Capricorn. This Mars retrograde energy starts with a bit more energy than it typically might, as it navigates solar-powered Leo, but as Mars comes back into its second of three oppositions to Pluto, we will likely be contending with intense, destructive, and even dangerous confrontations with power structures, violence, and aggression. On a collective level, this could feel quite extreme, on an individual or interpersonal level, this could look like momentary but inescapable tension and the use of unhelpful tactics in terms of getting to a place of resolution. At the start of January, Mars backs up into Cancer, a sign that it is uncomfortable in, where it cannot access directness, assertiveness, or action in the way that it wants to. While retrograding through Cancer, Mars is passive-aggressive, fiercely protectively (although potentially misguided), and liable to take things quite personally, and when Mars comes into an exact opposition with the sun in Cancer near the end of Capricorn season, we may need to check our egos with care and compassion.
The north node moves into Pisces and the south node moves into Virgo on January 11th, beginning a new storyline for the nodes and the eclipses that will happen along them for the next year and a half. This energy shift will bring our attention to the expansive, ethereal, emotional, and dreamy world of Pisces energy (as well as the Pisces houses in our birth charts); while we find new levels of release and refinement when it comes to specific details, data points, organization, and the processes Virgo energy thrives in (as well as the Virgo house in our charts).
This Capricorn season we will find some helpful energy coming from Pisces, which gets a boost from not only the north node as it ingresses into the mutable water sign but also Venus which enters its watery sign of exaltation at the beginning of January. Pisces energy (and the Pisces parts of our charts) have some real gift for us, and some of the sweetest spots available this Capricorn season. Particularly when the sun sextiles its ruler, Saturn in Pisces, on January 4th, helping us to make moves that matter, take care of ourselves in practical ways, and build ourselves up with hard work. Then toward the end of Capricorn season when Venus squares Jupiter and goes on to conjoin Saturn, it may feel like the energy dampens Venus’ party a little, but it may also help us to find connections that last, settle into our values in expansive and news ways, inspire us, and help us to become the version of ourselves that we want to grow into.
New moon in Capricorn (9°) on December 30th at 2:26 pm
This new moon in Capricorn is a practical new beginning, forming a sextile to its ruler, Saturn in Pisces, this moon wants to help us take care of ourselves and each other in the most responsible and lasting ways possible. This new moon is coming around at a moment that might hold a significant amount of tension, with Jupiter and Saturn separating from their square, Mars and Pluto building to their opposition, and the calendar year coming to a close. This is a great time to make a plan, make a list, and do something productive, but it's important to remember that sometimes, rest is the most productive way to invest in yourself.
Full moon in Cancer (23°) on January 13th at 2:26 pm
This full moon in Cancer may come along offering us a heightened moment, a surprise of some kind, and maybe even a somewhat volatile culmination, as this lunation plays around with Mars, Uranus, and the north node (freshly in Pisces) conjunction to Neptune. This lunation may be coming at a moment that feels a little austere and limiting, or even aggressive and triggering, but if we can focus our attention practical self care, we may be able to avoid some of the stickiness, or properly lick our wounds, if we can’t.
December 21st (1:20a) The sun enters Capricorn (0°)
December 23rd (2:39a) The sun in Capricorn squares the north node in Aries (2°)
December 23rd (4:45p) Venus in Aquarius sextiles Chiron in Aries (19°)
December 24th (1:59p) Jupiter in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces (14°)
December 26th (2:47p) Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini (14°)
December 26th (11:28p) Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces (14°)
December 27th (11:41p) Venus in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus (23°)
December 29th (1:12p) Chiron stations direct in Aries (19°)
December 30th (2:26p) New moon in Capricorn (9°)
December 30th (9:34p) Pluto in Aquarius sextiles the north node in Aries (1°)
December 30th (11:41p) Mercury in Sagittarius trines Chiron in Aries (19°)
January 2nd (7:24p) Venus enters Pisces (0°)
January 2nd (11:21p) Mars in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius (1°)
January 4th (2:35p) The sun in Capricorn sextiles Saturn inPisces (14°)
January 4th (10:20p) Mars in Leo trines the north node inAries (0°)
January 6th (2:44a) Mars re-enters Cancer (29°)
January 6th (5:55a) Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces (27°)
January 8th (2:29a) Mercury enters Capricorn (0°)
January 8th (9:14a) Mercury in Capricorn squares the north node in Aries (0°)
January 8th (5:53p) The sun in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries (19°)
January 11th (3:01p) The north node enters Pisces (29°)
January 12th (1:15p) Mars in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces (27°)
January 13th (12:13a) The sun in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus (23°)
January 13th (2:26p) Full moon in Cancer (23°)
January 14th (11:47a) Venus in Pisces squares Jupiter in Gemini (11°)
January 15th (6:38p) The sun in Capricorn opposes Mars in Cancer (26°)
January 17th (3:19a) The sun in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces (27°)
January 18th (3:26p) The sun in Capricorn sextiles the north node in Pisces (29°)
January 18th (5:26p) Venus in pisces conjoins Saturn in Pisces (16°)
January 18th (11:38p) Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Pisces (16°)
January 19th (8:31a) Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Venus in Pisces (16°)
January 19th (12p) The sun enters Aquarius (0°)
Happy Capricorn season!
The sun moves into Capricorn on December 21st at 1:20 am