The sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21, 2024

Welcome to Sagittarius season!
November 21 - December 21
The sun moves into the exuberant, philosophical, and adventurous sign of mutable fire on November 21st at 11:56 am, and Sagittarius season ends on December 21st at 1:20 am when the sun moves into Capricorn.
Sagittarius season is known for its meandering wisdom, big picture perspective, and philosophical optimism, brought to it by its ruler Jupiter. So when the sun moves into Sagittarius this year, our eyes turn toward the opposite side of the sky to where Jupiter is transiting Mercury’s diurnal domain, Gemini. Jupiter has fewer resources as it moves through its sign of detriment, and this Sagittarius season may have us struggling through the details to remain focused on the wisdom of the bigger picture. But with the sun in view of its ruler, we have the opportunity to make use of this discomfort, to confront and balance something related to how we take in information and churn out a story. This Sagittarius season is highlighting something incredibly bittersweet about being alive, about growing, about sharing ourselves, feeling connected, and telling the stories of our lives—and Jupiter is the best teacher for us when it comes to embracing something bittersweet and finding the abundance in it.
As the sun moves through Sagittarius, the tension, confusion, and course correction happening in mutable signs begins to take center stage (echoing energy we saw at the end of the summer). The mutable signs are going through a bit of a rebirth, as the planets moving through them clash with one another, test their limits, and push their own agendas, we get the task of keeping these energies in balance within our own charts and our lives more generally. Balance will be key this Sagittarius season, and through to the end of the calendar year, but it may not come easily or even naturally. We may feel compelled to grow, push our energy, and expand something at all costs, while we receive checks from other areas of our lives, requiring more attention, more focus, more consistency. We may find we are getting mixed messages, something is getting lost between the details and the picture they build into, like a cosmic game of telephone. We may find that we are feeling more demoralized than we expected, like we are meeting dead end after dead end, we may feel turned around, beaten down, and blocked. But everything we feel like are going though this Sagittarius season comes with a bit of a sliver lining, both in real time, and in terms of the long game. The lessons we encounter are helping us to restructure our lives and our efforts, helping us to better understand ourselves in relation to our constraints and responsibilities, helping us to redefine the ways we process information, and share it.
Sagittarius season, often known for its exuberant energy, may feel a little lackluster this time around, in fact energy may feel scarce and more valuable than ever, as mars slows down to station retrograde in the first decan of Leo. Typically, having Mars in a fire sign and trine to the sun would be an exciting, inspiring, and motivated time, (and this may very well be that, especially in the early days of Sagittarius season) but we may also feel more stagnant, less motivated, and lacking in direction as the first few days of December roll around and Mars stations retrograde. This retrograde will last into February of 2025 so we have some time to get to know the story Mars is uncovering with us, related to our energy, anger, motivation and passion, but for now we are likely to feel a drag on our energy as Mars slows down, and then some stagnancy as Mars stations and spends a while at the same degree before it begins to move backward through the early degrees of Leo slowly picking up speed. This Sagittarius season will have this sticky, slow energy to it, it’s an important time to conserve your energy and use it when it truly matters. Mars stations retrograde on December 6th and by the time the solstice brings Capricorn season around, Mars will have only moved back two degrees, so while this is the beginning of Mars retrograde, this Sagittarius season is much more about the stationing than anything else, we will get more squarely into the review period as December progresses and the new year begins.
This sagittarius season may have its challenges, but it is not without its cute moments as well. The lunations, while potentially chaotic and a little confusing may help us find greater levels of freedom within ourselves and in our lives more generally. There is a grand fire trine during the first week of Sagittarius season, between the sun in Sagittarius, Mars in Leo, and the north node in Aries that may help to fuel us with the energy we need just before Mars stations retrograde. Finally (and best of all) the month builds to a trine between Venus in Aquarius and Jupiter in Gemini that may have us feeling more friendly, more interested in what the world has to offer, and ready to engage with the beauty of community, just in time to celebrate the solstice.
New moon in Sagittarius (9°) on November 30th at 10:21 pm
This new moon in Sagittarius may present us with a reality check of sorts, as we get the chance to set new intentions that help us to review and reassess our foundations, our communications, and the uses of our energy. This new moon comes along on the heels of Mercury stationing retrograde, also in Sagittarius, so this moment might show up as confusing or even overwhelming, but more than anything this is chance to course correct. Take a look around you and see what’s working and what’s not, while this isn’t necessarily an optimal moment to start something new or force a big change, this is the perfect moment to take stock and set and intention for the freedom and alignment that you would like to see.
Full moon in Gemini (23°) on December 15th at 1:01 am
This full moon in Gemini may bring a sweet moment for connection, though it is possible that it will feel more disorienting than realistic. This lunation is empowered by Mars and egged on by Jupiter, so this may feel energizing and maybe even a little healing. This full moon in Gemini might have us learning to see past all of the little details (especially when they’re frustrating and don’t seem to be working) in order to see the bigger picture, see what were growing into, and feel the motivation of moving with that momentum.
Sagittarius season breakdown:
Sagittarius season may come along with a bit of intensity because as soon as the sun moves into Sagittarius it also moves into a supportive sextile with Pluto, the planet of power, transformation, and magnification. As the workweek comes to a close, we may feel encouraged to dig beneath the surface and investigate the depths, we may feel more empowered and energized. On Friday, Venus in Capricorn sextiles its ruler, Saturn in Pisces, adding some stability and structure to our connections; with Mars in Leo trining the north node in Aries at the end of the day, this weekend might be the perfect time to make some creative plans, commit to something that brings you joy, or spend time on a passion project.
On Monday evening Mercury stations retrograde in Sagittarius pulling focus to our ideas and beliefs, the stories we tell ourselves and others, and the ways we think and communicate. Mercury will spend the next 3 weeks backtracking over territory it has already covered so this is the time to re-think, re-consider, and re-do things while we navigate old ground and ‘trial and error’ our way into something new. On Tuesday the sun in Sagittarius trines the north node in Aries, adding some energy and enthusiasm to the day, this is picking up on some of the energy from the previous weekend, and leading into Wednesday’s trine between the sun in Sagittarius and Mars in Leo. Midweek we may feel a burst of energy, increased motivation to pursue our passions, and more confidence in ourselves and our actions. With Mars’ retrograde right around the corner, this is a moment to capitalize on, find ways to spend your time that use and replenish your energy, take advantage of this transit without letting it drain you. On Wednesday evening Venus in Capricorn squares off with Chiron in Aries giving us an opportunity to heal something in our relationships, by meeting a challenge and embracing an uncomfortable lesson. The weekend brings an energized but possibly misguided new moon in Sagittarius, a new beginning with abundant potential, rife with misunderstandings, unexpected detours, and practical restrictions. The week comes to a close with a trine from Mercury in Sagittarius to Chiron in Aries on Sunday evening, encouraging us to find new ways of approaching and understanding our pain as well as our healing. This moment can help us to remember that we are in control of rewriting narratives we tell that hurt our own feelings.
Monday morning may bring some pleasant surprises, an unexpected touch of sweetness, or a moment of connection that derails your plans, even if that’s for the better, as Venus in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus. This sweetness may linger in the air into the middle of the week as Venus moves from that trine into a dreamy and creative sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday. But Wednesday also brings big energy shifts to the mutable signs as Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini, and the sun squares off with Saturn in Pisces. This t-square may have us recalling tension from the end of the summer, as we come to terms with what our aspirations require of us, navigate our growth, and learn to communicate ourselves more clearly while also honoring the natural constraints and consequences of our lives. Thursday offers us a brief moment of clarity as the sun conjoins Mercury, and brings our thoughts and communications into focus, helping us to integrate the lessons of the first half of Mercury’s retrograde in Sagittarius (as well as some of the other tension in mutable signs). On Friday the mutable tension continues as Mercury squares Saturn in Pisces, bringing a gravity to our words, asking us to make the most of our ideas, honor or words with commitment, and communicate with honesty and maturity. This may manifest in the form of bad news or restrictions as you navigate the weekend. On Friday, Mars will station retrograde in Leo, pulling focus to our energy, our motivation, and maybe even our anger, as we spend the next couple of months reviewing the role these things play in our lives. On Friday evening, Venus moves into the humanitarian, forward-thinking, and idea-oriented sign of Aquarius, and earth on Saturday mining, it will conjoin Pluto (which has been back in Aquarius for about 2 weeks). This conjunction may add an intensity to our connections, a depth and focus to our creative projects, and may encourage us to explore what’s under the surface of the things we love. As Saturday progresses, the sun comes into an opposition with its ruler, Jupiter in Gemini, which might help us to find where we fit into the bigger picture, may help us to define how we want to be seen in relation to our beliefs and it may encourage excess to an unhelpful degree. Finally on Saturday afternoon Neptune stations direct in Pisces, pulling focus to the dreamy spiritual aspects of life and our relationship with reality in the Pisces areas of our lives.
The week begins with Venus in Aquarius forming a sextile to the north node in Aries, which may bring our focus to our relationships or hep us to find greater authenticity in our connections more generally. On Tuesday, the sun in Sagittarius trines Chiron in Aries, adding some ease to our healing journeys and helping us to find new levels of comfort in being seen, being ourselves, and existing with confidence. Thursday’s opposition between Venus and Mars may have us focused on conflict, passion, and motivation within our relationships or in our creative practices, but later that day with Mercury forming a sextile to Venus, we may find the words, plans, or information that we need to make sense of what we feel, how we connect, and how we express ourselves. The wee hours of Sunday bring a motivated and lovely full moon in Gemini, but with its ruler, Mercury, retrograde in its sign of detriment, we may find that trial and error is required to get where we want to go, and a little sweetness goes a long way when you’re feeling misdirected. Finally on Sunday afternoon, Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius, bringing an end to our period of review and giving us the chance to slowly catch ups with ourselves and begin to move forward again.
Sagittarius season winds down this week but before the sun moves into Capricorn on Saturday morning, we get a little midweek action to close out the archer’s month. On Wednesday, the sun’s square to Neptune may bring some confusion, misdirection and a dreamy or mystical element to the mundane, but with the lack of clarity in the air this might be a day to double down on what make you feel grounded, real, and connected. Then on Thursday, as the final act of Sagittarius season, Venus in Aquarius trines Jupiter in Gemini, adding a touch of sweetness, ease, and abundance to our relationships and our general outlook on life. The energy at the end of the week presents us with an opportunity to take advantage of something good in the mist of a lot of confusion and tension—this can mean spending time with someone you love, devoting time to a creative practice or art form, or just taking some time to rest and be with yourself, as we gear up for Capricorn season.
November 21st (11:56a) The sun enters Sagittarius (0°)
November 21st (12:49p) The sun in Sagittarius sextiles Pluto in Aquarius (0°)
November 22nd (3:55a) Venus in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Pisces (12°)
November 22nd (10:34p) Mars in Leo trines the north node in Aries (4°)
November 25th (6:42p) Mercury stations retrograde in Sagittarius (22°)
November 26th (10:32a) The sun in Sagittarius trines the north node in Aries (4°)
November 27th (12:06a) The sun in Sagittarius trines Mars in Leo (5°)
November 27th (8:58p) Venus in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries (19°)
November 30th (10:21p) New moon in Sagittarius (9°)
December 1st (10:16p) Mercury in Sagittarius trines Chiron in Aries (19°)
December 2nd (6:43a) Venus in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus (24°)
December 4th (2:15a) Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini (16°)
December 4th (8:18a) The sun in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces (13°)
December 4th (10:51a) Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces (27°)
December 5th (6:17p) The sun in Sagittarius conjoins Mercury in Sagittarius (14°)
December 6th (3:33p) Mars in Leo stations retrograde (6°)
December 6th (5:53p) Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces (13°)
December 6th (10:13p) Venus enters Aquarius (0°)
December 7th (6:08a) Venus in Aquarius conjoins Pluto in Aquarius (0°)
December 7th (12:58p) The sun in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini (16°)
December 7th (3:42p) Neptune in Pisces stations direct (27°)
December 9th (11:30p) Venus in Aquarius sextiles the north node in Aries (3°)
December 10th (9:49a) The sun in Sagittarius trines Chiron in Aries (19°)
December 12th (2:46a) Venus in Aquarius opposes Mars in Leo (5°)
December 12th (11:45p) Mercury in Sagittarius settles Venus in Aquarius (6°)
December 15th (1:01a) Full moon in Gemini (23°)
December 15th (12:56p) Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius (6°)
December 18th (6:28a) The sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces (27°)
December 19th (6:10p) Venus in Aquarius trines Jupiter in Gemini (14°)
December 21st (1:20a) The sun enters Capricorn (0°)
Happy Sagittarius season!
The sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21st at 11:56 am