The sun moves into Aquarius on January 19, 2025

Welcome to Aquarius season!
January 19 - February 18
The sun moves into the independent-minded, boundary-pushing, and collective-oriented sign of fixed air on January 19th at 12 pm, and Aquarius season ends on February 18th at 2:06 am when the sun moves into Pisces.
This Aquarius season has a lot of outer planet activity making a major theme, obscurity. Whether it’s because something is hidden or subterranean, because something is actively changing in unexpected ways, or because something is deceptive or amorphous; we will encounter all kinds of obscurity over the next month or so. In addition, and in stark contrast, there will be moments of clarity, increased perspective, and the uncovering of things previously unknown. Aquarius season had a subtle drama to it, we know something is happening but we are unable to know exactly what until it comes to light.
Aquarius season is introducing us to a new era, and starting to clarify some of the boundaries and parameters of this space we’re moving into. As planets enter Aquarius, they immediately conjoin Pluto, showing us how power, control, and investigation function in this current moment, but also giving us some clues about how we’ll experience Pluto’s time in Aquarius over the next 20 years. Throughout Aquarius season, but particularly in the first third, Pluto will draw our attention to the way power is manifested, used, and communicated, and the way methods of manipulation, magnification, and obsession can be used to further the dominant power structures or threaten them.
Uranus provides some innovative and surprising support to planets as they head out of Capricorn and move through Pisces, but as Mercury and the sun travel toward the end of Aquarius they will move into tense squares with the planet of upheaval, revolution, and sudden change. This Aquarius season, particularly the days around the full moon in Leo, Uranus is asking us to stay on our toes and center ourselves, to be adaptable and resilient in the face of change. We don’t know what news we’ll receive, what information we’ll become privy to, or what new ideas we’ll have, but we can fortify ourselves and do our best to see the constructive possibilities in the most disruptive moments.
Some of the sweetest moments this Aquarius season will be coming from Venus’ transit through Pisces, its watery sign of exaltation. Venus in Pisces is typically romantic, open to connection in all forms, and creative to a spiritual degree, but coming off of its conjunction with Saturn during Capricorn season, Venus has been a bit more boundaried and austere than it will be moving forward, as it forms supportive and energizing aspects to Mars and Uranus. This energy may have us feeling impassioned and motivated to bring our vision to fruition and make space for our desires. Then, Venus begins to slow down as it nears the boundaries of the shadow period for its retrograde in the spring. Venus will begin to cover territory that it will return to, twice more in the next few months, come January 28th. Then once February rolls around, Venus moves into a conjunction with Neptune and the north node in the final degrees of Pisces, amplifying the dreamy, magical, and artistic energy in the air. This moment is an incredible one to devote ourselves to our values, our connections, our rest, and our creative practices; but with Neptune’s propensity to erode, evade, and deceive, coupled with the north node’s insatiable nature, it may be extra important to protect ourselves from what may appear to be too good to be true. This moment can be taken advantage of, so be cautious of people trying to use your Venusian senses against you.
New moon in Aquarius (9°) on January 29th at 4:35 am
This first new moon of the year offers us a responsible new beginning meant to balance what our passions require of us with the abundance we want to feel as we navigate our lives. Important to set the boundaries new need to learn about and commit to the new beginnings we are looking for in our lives, and in the Aquarius parts of our charts, while also doing what we can to avoid getting overly obsessed with how we’re growing, what we’re building, and how we’re communicating those boundaries that we’re enforcing.
Full moon in Leo (24°) on February 12th at 5:53 am
This full moon may bring us a tumultuous crescendo and possibly the grand reveal of big changes or disruptions that have been brewing for the last two weeks or even the last six months. We will benefit from doing what we can to stay centered through the changes, and keep an eye on how we can find balance in our lives when things aren’t going according to plan or begin to feel out of control. This moment may call for some introspection and internal clearing, as we navigate how we are seen and heard, out to the world.
Aquarius season breakdown:
Aquarius season begins Sunday at noon but truly gets going on Tuesday when Mercury in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries and the sun forms a conjunction with Pluto, both freshly (relative to their respective speeds) in Aquarius. Aquarius season comes in prickly, and we may find ourselves feeling insecure and easily provoked as we navigate Pluto’s power games and our own wounds. This is a moment to take note of what feels manipulative, what feels tense, and what feels like it’s going out of its way to make you feel bad or unworthy. While we may not feel able to extend ourselves beyond what we already have on our plates at the start of this week, taking note of what does and doesn’t feel good, will help us break out of painful patterns moving forward. On Thursday we may find ourselves enticed by the allure of change, and in need of a little disruption to break some of the tension in the air as Mars, Mercury, and Uranus find themselves entangled. In order to capitalize on our energy reserves and allow ourselves to move and communicate more freely we may need to try something different and innovate a little bit. The weekend rolls around with sweetness in the air, as a trine forms between Mars and Venus, giving our connections, our passions, and our creativity a soulful, deep, and emotional boost. Then on Sunday, the dreaminess turns ethereal as Mercury sextiles Neptune and the north node and Venus sextiles Uranus. We may feel extra expressive, romantic, and poetic in our personal lives, but we also may feel more connected, spiritual, and open in general this weekend.
The second week of Aquarius season begins with Mercury joining the sun and Pluto in Aquarius on Monday evening, then conjoining Pluto the following night. Mercury in Aquarius is rational, committed to ideas, and open to thinking outside of the box, and when it meets up with Pluto we may feel deeply invested in and curious about the way systems work, and tuned into how power is communicated. Wednesday brings the new moon in Aquarius, which may come along with some difficult and intense conversations, but largely looks like a new beginning in how we structure information, collect as communities, and take care of each other in a broad sense. On Thursday Uranus stations direct in Taurus and the sun trines Jupiter in Gemini, this may bring some optimism and a sense of forward movement, we can adapt in the face of the unknown. Saturday may turn the optimism toward the direction of delusion and Venus in Pisces conjoins Neptune and the north node, amping up our desires, of feeling soft connections and our creativity, it’s important not to lose sight of what’s realistic and the boundaries we need to stay safe and maintain our senses of self.
The third week of Aquarius season brings a bit more of a mixed bag, with Mercury in a trine to Jupiter, Mars square to Chiron, and Venus moving into Aries. We may find that while we are opened up to novel ideas, and able to integrate the details into the big picture in new ways, we may also feel triggered by insecurities, and the collective shift from the softness of Venus in exhalation to the fiery harshness of Venus in detriment. Then the following day, Jupiter stations direct in Gemini, giving us a sigh of relief as the optimism and wisdom of seeing beyond the moment in front of us, becomes more accessible once again. This energy may feel exacerbated when the north node conjoins Neptune on Thursday, bringing optimism, but also an insatiable need to philosophize, to harmonize with the world around us, and for spiritual and collective connection. On Friday, Venus sextiles Pluto possibly adding a soothing balm to the week, but also encouraging us to go deep and get curious about our relationships and our values. Then the sun sextiles Chiron, helping us to find was to embrace an authentic confidence, in the face of an insecurity or a wound. On Saturday, Mercury sextiles Chiron, helping us to rewrite narratives around how our pain and our healing function in our lives. Then on Sunday, we get a burst of clarity, confidence, and understanding as Mercury meets the sun in a cazimi. The week ends with Mars in a trine to Saturn, helping us to feel more motivated to work on things that will benefit us long-term and will help us put our energy into building lasting foundations for ourselves.
The final full week of Aquarius season begins with a shocking twist, unexpected news, or an innovative new idea, as Mercury squares Uranus on Monday morning. Then the sun follows suit, squaring Uranus on Tuesday, adding to the shock value and possibly checking our egos or disrupting our sense of authority in the process. Wednesday’s full moon in Leo brings this tension to a head and may unveil some of the changes that have been taking place behind the scenes, or show us the consequences of the disruptions of the week, and of Aquarius season more generally. Even though the sun doesn’t move into Pisces until Tuesday, Aquarius season winds down, with Mercury moving into Pisces on Friday, adding a little poetic romance to Valentine’s Day. In Pisces, Mercury had trouble focusing on the details and the facts at hand but it can certainly spin a beautiful story. Mercury in Pisces may help us to personally connect with our emotionality, or to find new and creative ways to express ourselves, but with the power struggles and disturbance still very much present in the collective, be wary of the deluding of facts and figures, in favor of a tall tale.
all times in Pacific time
January 19th (12p) The sun enters Aquarius (0°)
January 21st (12:06a) Mercury in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries (19°)
January 21st (4:28a) The sun in Aquarius conjoins Pluto in Aquarius (1°)
January 23rd (7:07a) Mars in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus (23°)
January 23rd (12:48p) Mercury in Capricorn opposes Mars in Cancer (23°)
January 23rd (2:07p) Mercury in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus (23°)
January 25th (3:53p) Venus in Pisces trines Mars in Cancer (22°)
January 26th (10:32a) Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces (27°)
January 26th (3:11p) Venus in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus (23°)
January 26th (11:21p) Mercury in Capricorn sextiles the north node in Pisces (28°)
January 27th (6:52p) Mercury moves into Aquarius (0°)
January 28th (11:52p) Mercury in Aquarius conjoins Pluto in Aquarius (1°)
January 29th (4:35a) New moon in Aquarius (9°)
January 30th (8:22a) Uranus stations direct in Taurus (23°)
January 30th (2:58p) The sun in Aquarius trines Jupiter in Gemini (11°)
February 1st (8:33a) Venus in Pisces conjoins Neptune in Pisces (27°)
February 1st (1:42p) Venus in Pisces conjoins the north node in Pisces (28°)
February 3rd (1:51p) Mercury in Aquarius trines Jupiter in Gemini (11°)
February 3rd (6:44p) Mars in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries (19°)
February 3rd (11:56p) Venus moves into Aries (0°)
February 4th (1:40a) Jupiter stations direct in Gemini (11°)
February 6th (10:11p) Neptune in Pisces conjoins the north node in Pisces (28°)
February 7th (4:14a) Venus in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius (2°)
February 7th (10:22p) The sun in Aquarius sextiles Chiron in Aries (19°)
February 8th (11:20a) Mercury in Aquarius sextiles Chiron in Aries (19°)
February 9th (4:08a) The sun in Aquarius conjoins Mercury in Aquarius (20°)
February 9th (5:14a) Mars in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces (18°)
February 10th (11:27a) Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus (23°)
February 11th (11:30a) The sun in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus (23°)
February 12th (5:53a) Full moon in Leo (24°)
February 14th (4:06a) Mercury moves into Pisces (0°)
February 18th (2:06a) The sun moves into Pisces (0°)
Happy Aquarius season!
The sun moves into Aquarius on January 19th at 12 pm Pacific time