the Sun moves into Libra on September 22nd

The sun moves into Libra on September 22nd at 11:50 pm PT, where it will remain until the morning of October 23rd when it moves into Scorpio.
Libra season brings our attention to the ways we relate to others, how we integrate our values into our relationships, and how we appreciate the beauty and the connections in our lives. This Libra season offers us that and so much more because once the sun moves into Libra on September 22nd, it becomes co-present with both Mars and the south node; and while co-presence with Mars is nothing to scoff at, the presence of the south node in libra makes this our entrance into eclipse season as well. This Libra season will house one of the two eclipses we will be experiencing this fall, the solar eclipse in Libra will come along on October 14th and it is continuing the eclipse story we bang with the solar eclipse in Aries, back in April. The second eclipse will be a lunar eclipse in Taurus during Scorpio season and that will be the final chapter of the Scorpio / Taurus eclipses which have been unfolding since the fall of 2021 (but more on that later). The eclipse-y energy will pick up after the full moon in Aries (which is not an eclipse, but may bring up the topic or conflict that unravels this eclipse season) and will be present for all of October.
The added presence of Mars in Libra for most of the Sun’s time in Libra will make this Libra season, both energizing and exhausting. We may be drawn to the good fight, focused on justice and what it means to stand up for your values or for people you value (which can and very well might mean you), and this will mean that the balance between asserting yourself and being in a space that allows everyone to assert themselves equally will be front of mind for much of this libra season. Because Mars will spend a good portion of Libra season in an inexact, but close sextile to Venus in Leo, we have some support in this, we know how to be bold and authentic while also being warm and loyal. Venus is here to help Mars and the sun, both of which are uncomfortable in the diplomatic sign of Libra, navigate its own natural territory. If we keep an eye on our values, a strong sense of balance, and the importance of our relationships, we can express ourselves and stand our ground without alienating people and situations we actually want or need to negotiate with.
This libra season will see 3 planets change signs, so if eclipse season wasn’t enough we will be feeling a shift in the energy as:
Mercury moves from Virgo into Libra, joining the Sun, the south node, and Mars (but only for about a week). Then in the final days of Libra season, Mercury moves from into Scorpio where it immediately trines Saturn, giving us some support in our long-term thinking and planning.
Venus moves into Virgo, leaving Leo for the first time since June, due to its retrograde over the summer. In Virgo, Venus can be a little more critical, but it's focused on the inner workings of the system and it has a keen eye for ways to make things (relationships, creative projects, etc.) better. While in Virgo, Venus will be ruling both the solar eclipse in Libra and the lunar eclipse in Taurus, so while Venus may not feel empowered or very comfortable in Virgo, the planet of love, beauty, and connection holds quite a bit of power in the sky this fall. The lessons we earned during the Venus retrograde may be put to the test this eclipse season.
Mars moves from Libra, a sign it’s not comfortable in, to its home sign of Scorpio, where it is more capable and resourced. Between the presence of the south node, a square to Pluto, and just being in its sign of detriment, Mars in Libra was fighting an uphill battle to bring assertion, energy, and a certain kind of clarity, in other words, to be itself. In Scorpio, Mars will not have that problem, in fact, with an immediate trine to Saturn strengthening and maturing the fiery planet, it looks like Mars is rebuilding from a position where it may have compromised more than it wanted to and negotiated away something it is looking to reclaim or get back.
Every planetary body transiting Libra will conjoin the south node in Libra and square Pluto in Capricorn, this combination can be exhausting, triggering, and a less-than-welcome invitation to release something—and with it being eclipse season, we may not feel like we have a lot of say over what it is that we are letting go. In some ways the second half of Libra season may feel challenging and while it is certainly not without its bright spots (Venus trine Jupiter!!) It may leave us feeling depleted, taken advantage of, or wanting to hide away, but as these planets move into Scorpio, they get a chance to flex their boundaries and stand up for themselves in mature and lasting ways, as they trine Saturn in Pisces.
That being said, the line between Libra season and Scorpio season is more foggy than usual, as eclipse season has them tightly wound together, but within the first week of Scorpio season the story will begin to change and the fog will begin to lift.
Welcome to Libra season!
September 22nd (11:50p) the Sun enters Libra (0°)
September 24th- September 29th (inexact) Venus in Leo sextiles Mars in Libra
September 25th (5:09a) Mercury in Virgo trines Jupiter in Taurus (14°)
September 29th (2:57a) Full Moon in Aries (6°)
September 29th (10:52a) Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus (22°)
September 30th (9:55a) Mercury in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus (22°)
October 2nd (8:34a) Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces (25°)
October 3rd (12:19p) Mercury in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn (27°)
October 4th (6:56a) Mars in Libra conjoins the south node in Libra (24°)
October 4th (5:08p) Mercury enters Libra (0°)
October 6th (6:47a) Last Quarter Moon in Cancer (13°)
October 8th (6:04p) Mars in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn (27°)
October 8th (6:10p) Venus enters Virgo (0°)
October 9th (11:10p) Venus in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces (1°)
October 10th (6:09p) Pluto stations Direct in Capricorn (27°)
October 11th (9:04p) Mars enters Scorpio (0°)
October 13th (5:28a) Mars in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces (0°)
October 14th (10:55a) New Moon SOLAR Eclipse (Annular) in Libra (21°)
October 17th (6:27a) Juno enters Virgo (0°)
October 18th (5:44a) the Sun in Libra conjoins the south node in Libra (24°)
October 18th (10:34p) Mercury in Libra conjoins the south node in Libra (24°)
October 19th (10:37p) The sun in Libra conjoins Mercury in Libra (26°)
October 20th (5:50p) Mercury in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn (27°)
October 21st (7:09a) The sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn (27°)
October 21st (8:29p) First Quarter Moon in Capricorn (28°)
October 21st (9:32p) Venus in Virgo trines Jupiter in Taurus (12°)
October 21st (11:49p) Mercury enters Scorpio (0°)
October 22nd (9:12a) Mercury in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces (0°)
October 23rd (9:21a) The Sun enters Scorpio (0°)