The sun moves into Scorpio on October 22, 2024

Welcome to Scorpio season!
October 22 - November 21
The sun moves into the deep emotional waters of Scorpio on October 22nd at 3:14 pm and the season of fixed water ends on November 21st at 11:56 am when the sun moves into Sagittarius.
Scorpio season is generally known for its intensity, and this Scorpio season will likely double down on that stereotype. This Scorpio season is ruled by Mars moving through the final decan of its least favorite sign, Cancer, and then ingressing into the early degrees of Leo, slowing down and navigating its retrograde territory (pre-retrograde). What Mars is doing is of the utmost importance, because it’s feeding motivation and direction to the sun in Scorpio and guiding this Scorpio season based on its conditions—and Mars is uncomfortable. For much of Scorpion season, Mars will be entangled in an opposition with Pluto at the final degree of Capricorn, this energy can feel like an antagonizing standoff, a triggering reflection, or even an outright aggressive power dynamic. This will not be the dominant energy expressed for the majority of Scorpio season, but it will be undergirding the energy and many of the lessons we learn may connect back to these themes, especially as Mars stations retrograde on December 6th, and we return to these themes and lessons for the second of three times.
Mars will retrograde from 6° of Leo to 17° of Cancer
Dates: December 6, 2024 - February 23, 2025
Shadow period: October 4, 2024 - May 3, 2025
Back in the summer, planets in mutable signs squared off and opposed one another for weeks of tension between Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury, Venus, and the sun; we are moving into another season of this mutable tension as we inch close to our second Saturn Jupiter square of the year (coming at the end of December). As Saturn stations direct and begins to pick up speed in Pisces, Jupiter (retrograde) in Gemini will back up into a square to it, bringing up tension between our big-picture ideals and the reality of what we need to do for our long-term sustainable growth. Then with Venus and Mercury transiting Sagittarius this Scorpio season, they will begin to highlight and resurface these themes within the mutable signs/ houses/ placements in all of our charts. There is a bit of foreshadowing in this as we preview tension brewing in the mutable signs, and Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow in the first week of November, navigating territory we will return to for the next 2 months.
Mercury will retrograde from 22° of Sagittarius to 6° of Sagittarius
Dates: November 25, 2024 - December 15, 2024
Shadow period: November 6, 2024 - January 3, 2025
Finally, and possibly most notably of all, Pluto will change signs, moving from Capricorn to Aquarius again, but also for good (for the next 19 years). While this is a significant change and a generation-defining transit, it will probably not clarify itself throughout the next couple of weeks, this is more of a change to note for the future. Pluto will now be in Aquarius until 2043 bringing our attention to collective power, transformational relationships with technology, and a new terrain of control and unchecked growth—the air. This Scorpio season may bring our attention to Plutonian themes, as many transiting planets will aspect Pluto during this time, but more likely than not this will be providing us with closure as Pluto prepares to leave the Capricorn parts of our charts for the rest of our lives. Pluto’s final moments in Capricorn, and these final exertions of energy, power, and intensity may feel triggering but they are also invitations to see how far we’ve come. When Pluto moves into Aquarius we will have to shift and adjust to this new area of investigation in our charts for Pluto, and in our lives for us.
New moon in Scorpio (9°) on November 1st at 5:47 am
This new moon in Scorpio is a practical, mature, and deep new beginning, asking us to make promises to ourselves and to honor those promises. But while we are building commitments with this new moon’s trine to Saturn in Pisces, we may also feel like we’re being triggered, egged on, and even antagonized, as the ruler of this new moon, Mars in Cancer, comes into an exact opposition to Pluto in Capricorn. This moment, and the days following it, may feel particularly tense, they may ask us to tap into resources of motivation and maturity that we didn’t even know that we had, and they may require us to stand up for ourselves, acknowledge and honor our anger, and also avoid gnarly power struggles and dynamics of control.
Full moon in Taurus (24°) on November 15th at 1:28 pm
This full moon in Taurus may shake up our foundations, surprise us, and help us transform into a new version of ourselves, but these changes may come along with the frustration of balancing who we’ve been, with who we want to become. This full moon may feel disruptive, a little uncertain, and intense in a palpable yet unplaceable way, but like all full moons it is bringing a culmination or ending in some form, and this one may catch us off guard, both with its presence and its importance in our lives. This moon is asking us to trade our comfort in, for something a bit more powerful, a bit less predictable, and something that may require us to strengthen our balancing skills—our new lives.
Scorpio season breakdown:
Scorpio season gives us a little time to adjust to the shift in energy, so as we move with the sun from Venus-ruled Libra into Mars-ruled Scorpio, we get to hold on to some of that Venusian energy with a trine between Venus in Sagittarius and the north node in Aries. This may bring a boldness to your connections, and a focus to your creative pursuits and expression. Then on Thursday when Mars and Uranus meet in a sextile, we may feel more energized in some ways, or more encouraged to think outside of the box when it comes to taking care of ourselves and others. This is a great week to find new ways to connect with the people around you, to find innovative ways to use and conserve your energy, and to try something new that allows you to navigate the sweet spot between comfort and discomfort.
The energy gets busier and more contradictory as we get into the first full week of Scorpio season, and we may need to focus on how we can hold two or more things at once, exercising some of the balance-oriented lesson of Libra season. On Monday while Mars in Cancer moves into a trine to Neptune in Pisces, encouraging us to move with our beliefs, intuition, and dreams, Venus in sagittarius squares off with Saturn in pisces, providing a bit of a reality check. Monday’s energy may feel confusing and decidedly two toned in some ways, we have to navigate our responsibilities (including our responsibilities to each other) while also letting inspiration guide us toward something exciting. By the middle of the week, our attention turns toward some uncertainty and inspiration when it comes to our ideas and conversations, as Mercury opposes Uranus and trines Neptune. Thoughts may be feeling very creative, spiritually guided, or expansive during this time, and we might find ourselves in surprising conversations or received unexpected news either from within us or from the outside world (maybe both).
The weekend brings big energy shifts in the from of a new moon in scorpio, Mercury and Mars changing signs, and a boost in intensity from Pluto. Friday’s new moon in Scorpio may ask us to tap into our most mature selves, ensure that our words are aligned with our actions and our responsibilities regardless of what other people are doing or seem to be doing. This new moon is ruled by Mars in Cancer exactly opposing Pluto in Capricorn, so the energy around us might feel quite tense, paranoid, passive aggressive, or even outright controlling and manipulative. It is important that we do our best to hold ourselves to a standard that we are proud of, as we navigate situations that may be trying to bring us down to a messy, egotistical, or possibly even unsafe level. By Saturday, we may be able to have conversation that deescalate things, bring clarity, and perspective, which can help to sooth anything prickly that came up the day before. On Saturday afternoon Mercury moves in Sagittarius, bringing a new lightness and expansiveness to our interactions and our internal narratives. In sagittarius Mercury is philosophical, engaged, and an enthusiastic storyteller, even when it is missing the trees for the forest. Finally on Sunday, some of the tension from the weekend may come to a head as the Mars and Pluto opposition exacts and Jupiter comes into an oppositions with Venus. In contrast with the lighter energy that emerges on Saturday, Sunday may feel a little more frustrating and a little more harsh, but if you’re open to finding silver linings, you will likely find them, even if they’re small. And in facing the challenges head on and moving through them in a way that is compassionate to you and the people around you, you may find opportunities for healing in your connections and in yourself. The week ends with Mars moving from Cancer into Leo where it is bolder, more direct, and inching closer to stationing retrograde in December.
On Monday the sun in Scorpio trines Saturn giving us a helping hand when it comes to aligning our goals and our vision of ourselves to the future we want, and the concrete work we need to do consistently to get there. This can help us to build realistic and meaningful goals, and also help us to buckle down and manage the responsibilities that we need to, in order to reach our goals. Wednesday brings Mercury in Sagittarius into a trine with the north node in Aries which could be an open invitation for authentic expression and conversations where you truly feel like you can be yourself. It also may encourage tall tales, loud voices, and optimistic thinking mid week. Then on Saturday, Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces presenting possible confusion, misdirection, and maybe even deception in our connections, in our values, and in our approach to beauty and creativity. This weekend might feel inspiring, or spiritually focused, but it could also bring a lack of clarity that can be disorienting, or can encourage a delusion that’s not necessarily helpful for you.
This week kicks off with a change in tone as Venus moves from carefree and expansive Sagittarius into Capricorn’s more restrained and mature territory. In Capricorn, Venus can be a bit more conservative aesthetically, diligent about core values, and focused on the long term potential in connections and projects. Then on Tuesday, Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces, providing another saturnian reality check. This may come in the form of a conversation or some news that draws your attention to a need for honesty, long-term planning, and responsibility. Early Friday morning Saturn in Pisces stations direct pulling focus to our long-term needs and areas of accountability, while also helping us to move forward in the Pisces areas of our lives with diligence, consistency, and the ability to integrate the piscean lessons we are all learning. Then in the afternoon we will have a full moon in Taurus, that may come with a bit more gravity, than our average Taurus lunation, and we may feel a little bit confronted by, and maybe even more able to align, with some of the bigger picture shifts and experiences taking place during this time in our lives. This energy continues on Saturday (and through the weekend) as Venus in Capricorn squares the nodes and the sun opposes Uranus in Taurus.
The final week of Scorpio season kicks off with an opposition between Mercury in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini, followed by a trine between the sun in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces, because of this, Monday may feel bit dreamy and possibly a bit confusing. While Jupiter and Mercury have mutual reception on their side helping them to navigate this opposition and their respective signs with a little more ease than they may otherwise, this may be a challenging day to stick to the plan. The details of the day, the conversations, and the general vibe may be more meandering and more informed by belief, but also more expansive and open to the possibilities—this could be an inspiring day or a day of distractions, depending on what you need to do. Tuesday brings a big shift as Pluto settles into Aquarius for the next 19 years, making this ingress for the last time in our lifetimes. When Pluto changes signs, it draws attention to itself and its planetary themes, so this week may bring up a focus on power or control, it may magnify something or increase your drive to investigate something, or it may manifest in a more generalized intensity. With Mercury trining Chiron this same day, we may find that we have the words we need to set boundaries, communicate with care, and allow ourselves to express authentically—understanding, examining, and possibly even reconsidering our thought patterns can be healing. Scorpio season ends on Thursday, just before noon, when the sun moves into Sagittarius.
October 22nd (3:14p) The sun enters Scorpio (0°)
October 22nd (7:37p) Venus in Sagittarius trines the north node in Aries (6°)
October 24th (5:13p) Mars in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus (26°)
October 28th (5:30a) Mars in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces (27°)
October 28th (6:34a) Venus in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces (12°)
October 30th (3:14p) Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus (25°)
October 31st (5:33p) Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces (27°)
November 1st (5:47a) New moon in Scorpio (9°)
November 2nd (1:08a) Jupiter in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries (20°)
November 2nd (1:21a) Mercury in Scorpio trines Mars in Cancer (29°)
November 2nd (8:03a) Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn (29°)
November 2nd (12:17p) Mercury enters Sagittarius (0°)
November 3rd (4:36a) Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn (29°)
November 3rd (8:25a) Venus in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini (20°)
November 3rd (9:22a) Venus in Sagittarius trines Chiron in Aries (20°)
November 3rd (8:09p) Mars enters Leo (0°)
November 4th (9:36a) The sun in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces (12°)
November 6th (6:31p) Mercury in Sagittarius trines the north node in Aries (5°)
November 9th (5:15a) Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces (27°)
November 11th (10:25a) Venus enters Capricorn (0°)
November 12th (5:21a) Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces (12°)
November 15th (6:20a) Saturn stations direct in Pisces (12°)
November 15th (1:28p) Full moon in Taurus (24°)
November 16th (3:03a) Venus in Capricorn squares the north node in Aries (5°)
November 16th (6:44p) The sun in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus (25°)
November r18th (12:55a) Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini (18°)
November 18th (6:07p) The sun in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces (27°)
November 19th (3:29a) Mercury in Sagittarius trines Chiron in Aries (19°)
November 19th (12:39p) Pluto enters Aquarius (0°)
November 21st (11:56a) The sun enters Sagittarius (0°)
Happy Scorpio season!
The sun moves into Scorpio on October 22nd at 3:14 pm